- The giant planet's moons were gnats, rather than gnarled landscapes of methane lakes and dusty geysers. 巨行星的卫星就像小虫子般不起眼,没人想得到表面会有著甲烷湖泊和尘埃喷泉的起伏地貌。
- A likely energy source is the changing gravitational tides caused by Jupiter and the other Galilean moons as Io orbits the massive gas giant planet. 一种可能的来源是木卫一绕这颗大质量气态行星运行时,由木星和其他伽利略卫星所引起的潮汐效应。
- By exploiting the giant planet's physical peculiarities, a tether system could eliminate the need for enormous amounts of fuel. 藉利用这颗庞大行星的物理特性,缆索系统能免除对巨量燃料的需求。
- Unleashing such energy would destroy Earth's surface, but the giant planet Jupiter hardly flinched when it underwent such a catastrophe in 1994. 释放这样能量足以摧毁地球表面,但是当1994年经历了如此的灾难使巨大的木星几乎退缩。
- Hubble's sharp view of the gas giant planet also reveals the texture of the clouds in the Jovian atmosphere as well as various other storms and vortices. 嗅觉灵敏的哈勃还探测到木星大气、各种风暴和气漩的结构特征。
- Only last year, the discovery of a giant planet orbiting the faint burned-out cinder of a star in Pegasus had suggested that Earth could survive the Sun's death. 就在去年,在飞马星座发现了一颗巨型行星围绕一颗燃烧殆尽的恒星运转。此发现意味着在太阳生命殆尽后地球仍能存活。
- Explanation: Soft hues, partially lit orbs, a thin trace of the ring, and slight shadows highlight this understated view of the majestic surroundings of the giant planet Saturn. 说明: 柔和的色彩、部份被照亮的球体、薄薄的行星环、和淡淡的暗影,含蓄地为土星这颗气态巨行星周围的景观增添风采。
- PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered an enormous ring around Saturn -- by far the largest of the giant planet's many rings. 加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳-美国宇航局的斯皮策太空望远镜发现了一个巨大的环土星-迄今为止最大的巨型行星的许多环。
- Neptune is the farthest solar system gas giant planets. 海王星是太阳系中最远的气体巨行星。
- That is why He is sending this giant planet X or Niburu by as the destroyer to put an end to all you workers of iniquity all over this earth as members of the New World Order joined to this apostate one world religion headed by the Vatican pope. 这就是为什麽祂差遣了作为毁灭者的行星X猎般胡来终结全地的象你这样的不法工人,也就是那些与以芃帝冈教宗为首的变节的世界单一宗教媾和的新世界秩序的成员。
- The formation of the satellite systems of the giant planets parallels in many respects the formation of the planets. 大行星的卫星系统的形成在许多方面相似于行星的形成。
- The formation of the satellite systems of the giant planets parallels in many respects the formation of the planets . 大行星的卫星系统的形成在许多方面相似于行星的形成。
- It has been registered for giant planets of the Upsilon Andromedae, 55 Cancri, and HD 168443 stars. UpsilonAndromedae、5 5Cancri和HD16 84 4 3等天体的巨行星记载了这样的事实。
- But these techniques only work with massive planets and, in general, giant planets are gaseous. 但这些技术仅对于大体积的行星有用,而从整体上看,大体积行星都由气体构成。
- All four giant planets, irrespective of mass, turn out to have similar irregular moon systems. 这四颗巨行星,无论质量大小,都有著类似的不规则卫星系统。
- The answer is crucial to understanding the processes at play in low-mass stars and giant planets and the differences between them. 这个答案对于理解低质量恒星和巨行星的形成过程,以及它们之间的差异,至为关键。
- But the gravitational influence of giant planets such as Jupiter can nudge asteroids out of these safe orbits and send them plunging towards Earth. 但是,一些巨大的行星类似木星,其强大的引力可以令这些小行星脱离安全的轨道,向地球的方向飞来。
- Saturn is the planet sixth in order from the sun. 土星是依次离太阳的第六颗行星。
- In the complex interplay of solar and planetary gravity, asteroids and comets are routinely pulled into short-lived orbits around the giant planets. 在太阳与行星重力如此复杂的交互作用下,小行星和彗星通常会被拉往巨行星的短周期轨道上。
- Mars is the fourth planet in order from the sun. 火星是太阳系的第四颗行星。