- It worths no words that we have got rid from the traditional society. 不用说,我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。
- The technology of bone tissue engineering has got rid from autologous bone implant and allograft bone. 摘要骨组织工程技术使得矫形外科摆脱了自体骨移植和异体骨移植的束缚。
- How can you get rid of this oxide coating? 你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
- Get rid of that meddlesome fool! 让那个爱管闲事的家伙走开。
- For openers we'll get rid of this old furniture. 我们首先要把这些旧家具搬走。
- The way for enterprise to get rid from difficulty 企业走出困境的方法
- We have to get rid of these old newspapers. 我们必须把这些旧报纸处理掉。
- We will be glad to get rid of him. 摆脱他,我们将很高兴。
- Let's get rid of this moldy old furniture. 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。
- How to get rid off the furring from stone surface? 怎样除去人造石表面的水垢?
- Get rid of that stuff in the garage. 把车库里那些没有用的东西处理掉。
- Let's get rid of this mouldy old furniture. 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。
- The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。
- It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices. 必须清除官僚习气。
- She jogs every morning to get rid of her excess weight. 为了减肥,她每天早晨慢跑。
- It is very hard to get rid of his dependency on the drug. 解除他的毒瘾很不容易。
- You must get rid of these fearful memory from your brain. 你必须在头脑中去除这些可怕的记忆。
- Frankly I can not imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it. 坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。
- From all over the world, people got rid of hunger. 使全世界人民摆脱饥饿。
- I like to get rid of unpleasant tasks by sticking at them until they are done. 我喜欢用坚持做到底的方法来解决令人讨厌的任务。