- They will gradually get loose to their lives. 还是是表达放纵的意思?
- Liquor talks mighty loud when it get loose from the jug. 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。
- The people fled in panic when the bull got loose. 逃出监狱,逃出牢笼。
- One of the tigers in the zoo has got loose. 动物园里的一只老虎跑掉了。
- The guard is fixed with a new mechanism so that it will not get loose during combat. 它的护手是用最新的方法固定,在战斗中也不会松起来。
- Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug. 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。
- Take and put with care and never push and drag with violence, in case that the footrests and tenons get loose or break. 重新安装时,应在家具放置后,对门和抽屉等适当调整,保持正常使用状态。
- He needed 11 warm-up pitches to get loose, and his first pitch puttered in at 89 miles an hour. 他用了11颗球热开身体,(可是,正式出手的)第一球只有时速89英哩。
- Liquor talks mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug . 酒一从酒壶流出来就会大言不惭的。
- I presently imagined that some European ship must have been cast away upon their coast, and the boat might get loose, and drive ashore. 我马上联想到,这一定是什么欧洲船只在他们海岸上出了事,那小艇被风浪打脱下来,漂到岸上去了。
- After a lot of tugging and pulling, the Devil finally manages to get loose and, sitting down, grabs hold of his nose to see if it is still there. 又拖又拉的,反复持续了很长时间后,恶魔终于摆脱开来,坐下,紧紧抓着鼻子,确定它是否还在。
- Is there anything A can't do?? Sporting legend, chinese idol, debating champion and loves to get loose and rip his shirt off. 有啥A不能做的??体坛传奇,中国偶像,备受争议的冠军和热衷脱掉甚至撕掉衬衫的人。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- After some careful bending, the pin gets loose from the mirror housing. Note that the glue is quite gooey and not of the hard kind. 小心的工作后,终于可以把断掉的定位柱从定位座中取出。注意,封胶其实是很软的,并不是硬塑料。
- When a person is healthy, all electrons have strong absorbability.When ill, the absorbability gets loose and some electrons being lost eventually. 因此,当人体处在健康状态中时,全身的电子吸附力就特强,而设若人体虚弱并时常生病时,则电子也就必然的跟著流失了。
- Ruth then gets some leather hobbles attached to her front legs, a routine Saje began after her other mule, Shirley, got loose and ran home from school last year. 她还会在鞍囊里装上玉米和豌豆,作为鲁思的午餐和课间休息时的慰劳。
- The two-metre long brown reptile with distinctive black markings got loose last week from a house in Chatham, south of London, triggering the warning to locals not to approach it. 这条两公尺长、带有明显黑色标记的棕色爬虫类,上周从伦敦南部查坦市的一间房屋逃脱出来,导致当地人收到切勿接近牠的警告。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- He thinks the Mafia are out to get him. 他意识到黑手党要来报复他。
- I get the house all shipshape while he is away. 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐。