- One cannot get blood from a stone. 向铁石心肠者不能求得温暖。
- Getting a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone. 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼。
- Get a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone. 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼。
- Getting an apology from him was like getting blood from a stone. 让他道歉几乎是不可能的。
- You can not wring blood from a stone . 你无法从石头里挤出血来。
- You can't wring blood from a stone. 你无法从石头里挤出血来。
- One cannot get Blood from a stone 巧妇难为无米之炊
- You can not wring blood from a stone. 你无法从石头里挤出血来。
- Getting a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼。
- He is a miser. asking him to give alms is like getting blood from a stone 他是个吝啬鬼。要他施舍是办不到的(尤如让石头出血)。
- get blood from a stone 从石头中榨出血来; 得到冷酷者的怜悯; 得不可能得到的东西
- You cannot get blood out of a stone. 石头里榨不出血来。
- It's no use asking your father for a loan. You can't get blood from stone. 向你父亲告贷根本不可能。你什么也得不到。
- The Inland Revenue have sent me a tax bill for more than a hundred pounds, but they can't get blood out of a stone because I just haven't got the money. 国内税务署寄给我一张100多英镑的税单,不过他们不可能从石头里榨出油来,因为我并没有那么多钱。
- Getting money from him is like getting blood from stone. 从他那儿得到钱,就象从石头里榨出血一样难。
- Slander can hardly draw blood from a man like him. 诽谤伤害不了像他那样的人。
- It's no use asking your father for a loan. You can't get blood out of a stone. 向你父亲借债是徒劳的,你休想从吝啬鬼手里要到钱。
- The boy discharged a stone from a sling. 这个男孩用弹弓射石子。
- He was spitting blood from a badly cut lip. 他嘴唇伤得不轻,正不停地唾血。
- Somehow I managed,"I will," from a throat that contained a stone. 我不知道自己是怎么说出来的,“我会的”,我的嗓子里像硬着一块石头。