- get a nail out 把钉子拔出
- The thumb of the glove got caught on a nail and got a hole. 手套的拇指部分被钉子划破了个洞。
- I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall. 我的上衣被一枚从墙上突出来的钉子钩破了。
- It's hard to get a word out of them. 从他们身上一句话都套不出来。
- I can feel a nail sticking into my shoe. 我觉得有钉子扎进鞋里。
- He taped a nail in slowly to spilt the thin board. 他慢慢地把钉子钉进这块簿板,以防劈开。
- I stood on a nail, and my foot's very sore. 我踩了一枚钉子,脚上感到很痛。
- Some people get a kick out of the danger in motor racing. 有些人从赛车的惊险中寻求刺激。
- His speech was always polished to a nail. 他的发言总是要经过仔细润色的。
- He's scratched his hand on a nail. 他的手让钉子刮破了。
- He get a vicarious thrill out of watch his son score the winning goal. 他看着儿子射入一球获胜,也感到同样兴奋。
- I found a nail sticking in the tyre. 我发现轮胎上扎着一根钉子。
- He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. 他已将那双鞋穿够了本钱。
- It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。
- Can you pull this nail out of my shoe? 你能从我的鞋上拔出这个钉子吗?
- He cried out when his feet was pricked by a nail. 他的脚被钉子扎了一下,痛得叫了起来。
- Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here? 是否可在此购买观光巴士券?
- This is a tool with which we pull out a nail. 这是一支拔钉器。
- The teacher get a raspberry as she turn her back. 该教师转过身去时有人用舌与唇发出嘲笑她的声音。
- Please help me to take this nail out of my shoe. 请帮我把这钉子从鞋子里拔出来。