- That specifies a geometric transform to apply to the path. 指定将应用于路径的几何变换的。
- Applies a clockwise rotation of the specified angle to the local geometric transform. 将指定角度的顺时针旋转应用到局部几何变换。
- A geometric transform can be used to translate, scale, rotate, or skew the gradient fill. 几何变换可用于转换、缩放、旋转或扭曲渐变填充。
- Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle. 将局部几何变换旋转指定角度。
- Overloaded. Rotates the local geometric transformation of this. 对象的局部几何变换旋转指定的角度。
- Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors. 按指定因子缩放局部几何变换。
- Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions. 将局部几何变换平移指定尺寸。
- Object that defines a local geometric transformation for the image associated with this. 对象关联的图像定义局部几何变换。
- Rotates the local geometric transformation by the specified angle in the specified order. 以指定顺序将局部几何变换旋转指定角度。
- Rotates the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amount. 将此TextureBrush对象的局部几何变换旋转指定的角度。
- Translates the local geometric transformation by the specified dimensions in the specified order. 按指定的顺序将局部几何变换平移指定的尺寸。
- Scales the local geometric transformation by the specified factors in the specified order. 将局部几何变换以指定顺序缩放指定因子。
- Scales the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amounts. 将此TextureBrush对象的局部几何变换缩放指定的倍数。
- ASAS also includes a wide range of geometric transformations that operate on objects. 这种交互方法的一个例子是数据手套,这它可以测量出戴手套的人的手的位置、朝向及每个指头的伸屈。
- A geometric transformation can be used to translate, scale, rotate, or skew the image that defines the texture of this brush. 几何变换可用于平移、缩放、旋转或扭曲图像,该图像定义此画笔的纹理。
- Multiplies the Matrix object that represents the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified Matrix object in the specified order. 以指定顺序将表示此TextureBrush对象的局部几何变换的Matrix对象乘以指定的Matrix对象。
- Taking the transformation of question purpose of interrogative sentence as an example, the questions of geometric transformation in united linguistics were discussed. 以疑问句的疑问目的变换为例讨论了统一语言学中的类几何变换问题。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- After geometric transformation of image space, resampling of image pixels, and transfer from DDB to DIB bitmap mode, the original images acquired in television log become some bitmap files which can more properly be used in the geological explanation. 电视测井采集到的原始视频图象经过几何空间变换 ,图象象素重采样 ,最终生成可供地质分析解释的井壁表面图象文件。
- Not situated at or in the geometric center. 离心的不位于或在几何中心的