- There is marked difference of mean weight diameter(MWD) and geometric mean diameter(GMD) among the three types of slope soil, and the values both show the following order: FS> NS > RF. 土壤颗粒平均重量直径和几何平均直径在不同类型边坡土壤之间存在显著差异,均表现为岩石源植生土>自然边坡土>农田源植生土。
- geometric mean weight 几何平均重量
- The best beaches are ranked as Good, while those beaches with a higher geometric mean are ranked Fair. 水质最佳的泳滩级别为良好,几何平均含量较高的泳滩级别为一般。
- In 1998,the reinfection rate was 23% and the geometric mean intensity of infected subjects was 64 5 epg. 1998年 ;感染率为 2 3.;0%25;感染度 (EPG)几何均值为 6 4
- The geometric mean of the autoantibody is 1:62 in DCM group, 1:4 in non-DCM group, and 1:4 in normal control group. DCM组的抗心肌抗体平均几何滴度为1:62,非DCM组为1:4,正常对照组为1:4。
- The geometric mean peak current of return strokes is 11.9 kA with a range from 6.6 kA to 21.0 kA. 回击电流峰值的几何平均值为11.;9kA;变化范围为6
- The geometric mean titers of CFT-antibody of group A,B,C and D were 8.88, 30.28, 42.71 and 50. 10. respectively . CFT抗体的几何平均滴度依次为8.;88、30
- Construct a right triangle with given hypotenuse c such that the median drawn to the hypotenuse is the geometric mean of the two legs of the triangle. 这题大概是:构造一个直角三角形(斜边c已给定),使斜边上的中线长度是两直角边长度的比例中项。
- Mean weight, however, was not significantly different from normal children.Centile charts for assessment of stature and weight are also presented. 此外,我们并由无心脏病组之资料,试作2至36个月及3至18岁之唐氏症儿童生长曲线图。
- Due to PASSIM maker’s original cigarette ROD mean weight device ( abbreviated MWC ) existed a good many disadvantages, it use (Si90) nuclear in it. 由于帕西姆(PASSIM)卷烟机原机采用的烟条平均重量(MWC)存在好多缺点,用(锶90)放射源进行检测,放射源对人员、周围环境构成长时间潜在危害,有时阀门不能关闭,对人员的危害就更大了。
- The results indicated little difference in the geometric mean diameter (GMD) of the ETS particles from those in background air. 研究香烟数量和不同厂牌、不同采样区域和不同的通风速率的结果。
- The geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation (GSD) were calculated to represent summary indicators of the intensity and variation of the magnetic field in each home. 吾人计算几何平均数与几何标准差来代表每一个家户内磁场的强度与变异性,并进行全体样本家户间磁场强度与变异之描述性统计。
- The mean weight of fish caught is also dropping, which worries the research institute greatly, though the biomass of spawning stock has increased slightly since 1985. 被捕获的鱼的平均重量也在减小,这正是研究机构大为担忧的,尽管产卵鱼的总存量从1985年以来已略微增加。
- In western Europe, the mean weight of men in every country except France and The Netherlands tips the scales into the "overweight" category, according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards. 在西欧,人们的体重在每个国家除了法国和荷兰其他国家对超重的分类都是按照世界健康组织的标准来分的。
- Inthis paper,We shall expound several geometric means comparative signifcat test method-ank test. 在此基础上,今又提出多组几何均数比较的顺序检验。
- In western Europe, the mean weight of men in every country except France and The Netherlands tips the scales into the "overweight" category, according to World He alth Organization (WHO) standards. 根据世界卫生组织的标准,除法国和荷兰之外的其他在西欧国家的人的平均体重列入“超重”范围是很正常的。
- The limit theorems of arithmetic mean and geometric mean were discussed in many articles.In this article, we give some sufficient conditions about the law of large number of logarithmic mean. 摘要关于算术平均和几何平均极限定理在许多文献中有所研究,本文主要给出对数平均大数定律成立的若干充分条件。
- Then an arithmetical mean, which came from the geometric mean of these three measures multiplying sub-band weighted coefficients, was used as final comprehensive assessment indicator. 然后将这三个指标的几何平均与频段加权系数的内积做算术平均,以此作为图像质量的综合评价指标。
- Week 5 The definition and nature of derivative. the geometric meaning of derivative. the relation between the derivability and the integral. derivation rule. 第5周 导数概念.;导数的定义