- geographic subspecies 地理亚种
- The climate of a large geographic area. 大气候广大地理区域内的气候
- The geographic occurrence or range of an organism. 生物的地理分布生物出现或分布范围的地理地区
- The inland part of a political or geographic entity. 内陆一个政治或地理实体的内陆部分
- The study of the geographic distribution of organisms. 生物地理学研究有机体地理分布的学科
- Subspecies is a stage during process of speciation. 亚种是物种形成过程中的一个阶段。
- The flora and fauna native to a geographic area. 一地理区域所固有的动植物
- A geographic dictionary or index. 地名辞典地理学的辞典或索引
- Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in two geographical subspecies of the mitten crab Eriocheir japonica 中华绒螯蟹与合浦绒螯蟹两地理亚种的线粒体DNA序列变异
- The National Geographic Society began in 1888. 美国国家地理学会成立于1888年。
- Represents a geographic map object on the report. 表示报表上的地图对象。
- Geographic variation of Larix olgensis. 长白落叶松种群地理变异研究。
- Long time geographic isolation and breeding isolation might lead to the produce and differenciation of local population (or subspecies) and might affect the speciation. 长时间的地理隔离和生殖隔离很可能导致地方类群(或亚种)的产生和分化,并对新种的形成产生一定影响。
- These birds have a wide geographic distribution. 这些鸟的地理分布很广。
- Idaho is a state of dramatic geographic contrasts. 爱达荷拥有变化极大的地理差异。
- The study of the geographic distribution of plants. 植物地理学对植物地理分布的研究
- North American subspecies of tundra swan having a soft whistling note. 冻原天鹅的北美洲亚种,以其柔和的鸣叫著名。
- Subspecies just do not carry as much political clout. 因为亚物种一般很难引起政治家的注意。
- LANs are networks within limited geographic areas. LAN是在有限的地理区域内的网路。
- Subspecies that are differentiated by the markings on their wings. 生物可通过它们翅膀上的标记上区别。