- Vibroseis is one of important parts of seism exploration technology. 震源是地震勘查技术的重要组成部分,是产生地震信号的源头。
- This project is supported by the son project of high precision seismic exploration technology in paralic zone. 该课题来源于“滩浅海地区高精度地震勘探技术”中的一个子课题。
- Compared with normal overburden destroying exploration technology,high density electricity method with lar... 该探测技术在研究地下工程岩体结构破坏领域将有着广泛的应用前景。
- This paper discusses the exploration technology, relevant statement and improvement methods related to hidden creek fill during line exploration. 该文探讨了在线路勘探中暗浜的勘查技术及相应评价与整治方法。
- The measurement precision of the high accuracy gravitation exploration technology has been increased from rank of milligal to microgal. 高精度重力勘探的测量精度已从毫伽级提高到微伽级。
- AVO is a seismic exploration technology using the characteristics of amplitude variation versus offset to recognize the rock types and oil-gas reservoir. 是利用振幅随偏移距变化特征分析和识别岩性和油气藏的地震勘探技术。
- This paper introduces the measure and experiment about how to use earthquake exploration technology in goaf and puts forward some reasonable suggestions in goaf. 介绍了告成煤矿运用地震勘探技术在探测老空区方面的方法及经验,并提出了探测采空区的合理化建议。
- A accoding as rayleight wave spread feature in layered media, the application of rayleight wave exploration technology in engineering exploration,especially in layered media exploration ,is studied, Actual result and remarking problem is given. 本文根据瑞利波在层状介质中的传播特性,研究了瑞利波探测技术在工程勘探,尤其是在地质分层勘探中的应用,并给出了实际探测结果和注意的问题
- ANSA said that China's Shenzhou VII spacecraft was successfully launched and returned to the ground, is a historic space exploration, space exploration technology China marks a big step forward. 安莎社说,中国的神舟七号飞船成功发射和返回地面,是一个历史性的空间探测行动,标志着中国空间探测技术向前迈进了一大步。
- Despite major advances in exploration technology and effort, the rate of discovery of significant new reserves has steadily declined for several decades and is far below depletion rates. 尽管,在探测技术和成就上有主要的优势,但在这几十年内,新储量的重要开采率却稳步下降,并且远远低于损耗率。
- Exploring technology, worshiping art is our direction to raise students'quality. 探索科技,崇尚艺术是华一的素质拓展方向。
- Abstract: This article briefly introduced the mechanisms and methodologies of microbial oil and gas exploration technologies (MOST+SSG). 摘要: 简述了微生物勘探技术(MOST+SSG)的原理和方法。
- Pan Yuanlin (ed.). 1998.Synthesis exploration technologies in geology and geophysics of hydrocarbon.Beijing: Earthquake Press, 1 - 244. 潘元林主编.;1998
- Abstract : This article briefly introduced the mechanisms and methodologies of microbial oil and gas exploration technologies (MOST+SSG). 摘要 : 简述了微生物勘探技术(MOST+SSG)的原理和方法。
- This article briefly introduced the mechanisms and methodologies of microbial oil and gas exploration technologies (MOST+SSG). 摘要简述了微生物勘探技术(MOST+SSG)的原理和方法。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- GEO Institute of the American Society of Civil Eng. 美国土木工程师学会地理研究所。
- Deep exploration technology in GY sag 高邮凹陷深层地震勘探技术研究
- Why doesn't he study geo chemistry ? 他为什么不学地球化学?
- Why does not he study geo chemistry ? 他为什么不学地球化学?