- genus of small woolly herbs. 小型草本植物的一个属,多绒毛。
- Genus of small evergreen tropical and subtropocal American cycads. 一种小的常绿热带和亚热带美洲苏铁。
- Genus of small cephalopods with many-chambered spiral shells resembling those of the extinct belemnites. 一种小的头足类动物,外壳呈多室螺旋状如已绝迹的箭石。
- Old World genus of frequently aromatic herbs. 一般芬芳的草本旧大陆的属。
- Genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel. 旧大陆一个草本属,类似千里光。
- any plant of the genus Filago having capitate clusters of small woolly flower heads. 林鼠曲草属植物,成串的头状多毛小花冠。
- Old World genus of annual to perennial herbs: woad. 一个一年至多年生旧大陆草本属;菘蓝靛蓝。
- large genus of small tropical usually succulent herbs: radiator plants. 小热带通常多汁的草本的大属;散热器植物。
- I'm sony, but we're sold out of small sizes. 对不起,小号的我们都卖完了。
- large genus of small tropical usually succulent herbs: radiator plants 小热带通常多汁的草本的大属;散热器植物
- The thrush is a kind of small singing bird. 画眉是一种小鸣禽。
- Genus of western North American herbs having showy flowers. 产于北美西部的一个草本属,花美丽。
- Genus of American herbs with yellow-rayed flowers: sneezeweeds. 一个产于美洲的草本属,黄色舌状花;喷嚏草。
- On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店。
- Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。
- A genus of extinct, large, flightless birds native to Madagascar. 象鸟,隆鸟一种不会飞的巨鸟,产于马达加斯加岛,现已绝种
- a genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds 新大陆和旧大陆都有的一种小型鸢
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。
- A thicket of small trees or shrubs; a coppice. 矮林,萌生林一种小树丛或灌木丛; 矮林
- Carries a complete line of small tools. 包揽了小工具的全部商品