- Rubber overshoes lets me take off gentle and weak babyish, let me change Yang Gangrui to enrage. 胶鞋让我脱掉文弱稚气,让我换上阳刚锐气。
- But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk. 但是当他为沉船上因溺水而亡的人落泪的时候,你会发现他又是一个温和而软弱的人。
- These were gentle and cleansing tears. 这是温柔而净化心灵的泪。
- This lady has always been gentle and cultivated. 这个女人素来温文尔雅。
- English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures. 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。
- His strong points and weak points cancel out. 他的优点和缺点互相抵消了。
- Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. 马克思是一位温和、慈祥、宽厚的父亲。
- Everyone has his own strong and weak points. 每人都有自己的长处和短处。
- He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging. 他是个思想丰富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。
- He was a very gentle and gracious youth. 他是一位非常斯文的,彬彬有礼的青年。
- The turquoise lake is gentle and calm. 你是要去参加什么活动吗。碧绿的湖水温柔而沉静。
- Her stepfather was dull and weak. 她的继父愚蠢而且懦弱。
- Nehru was in a gentle and winning mood. 尼赫鲁的态度显得彬彬有礼,平易近人。
- The spring mattress is gentle and comfortaBle. 席梦思床垫,柔和舒适。
- The spring wind is gentle and caressing. 春风和畅。
- Most of them have gentle and melodious tunes. 一般以友情,爱情为创作基调。
- He suffers from weak sight and weak hearing. 他的视力听力都差。
- My dream lovers is Gentle and Quiet! 我的梦中情人是文静的!
- I think you are very gentle and kind-hearted. 我认为你很文雅而且心肠好。
- She was very gray and weak and tired. 她人很灰白,很衰弱,很疲乏。