- genomic DNA walking 基因组DNA步行
- Extract the genomic DNA of a BLAB/c mice . 用酚氯仿异戊醇抽提blab/c鼠全基因组DNA;
- Genomic DNA Extraction from the Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. 中药何首乌总基因组DNA的提取。
- Method Genomic DNA was extracted by improved CTAB method. 方法采用改良CTAB法从罂粟叶片中提取DNA;
- Human genomic DNA of ALR consists of 3 exons and 2 introns. 克隆了人ALR基因组DNA全序列。
- Isolation of Genomic DNA from Cinnamomum cassia Presl. 中药肉桂基因组DNA的提取。
- Study on Genomic DNA Extraction from Recalcitrant Dimocarpus longan Lour. 顽拗植物龙眼基因组DNA提取方法的研究。
- DNA ladder formation was checked with genomic DNA agarose electrophoresis. 琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察细胞内片段化DNA的形成;
- ObjectiveTo isolate high-quality genomic DNA from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. 目的为获得高质量的何首乌总基因组DNA。
- Genomic DNA was digested with EcoRI combined with either MseI or TaqI. 35天后,小鼠晶状体核区完全白色混浊所覆盖,为核性白内障。
- A modified CTAB method of genomic DNA extraction of Aquilaria sinensis(Lour. 在传统CTAB法的基础上加以改良,建立了一种适于白木香基因组DNA提取的方法。
- Data in parenthesis are number of pups of which their genomic DNA were analyzed. 括弧内之数据为进行基因组DNA分析之仔小鼠数。
- Comparison of Different Extraction Methods of Genomic DNA from Mangifera Indica L. 芒果基因组DNA的提取方法比较。
- Centrifuge for 10min at full speed in a tabletop microcentrifuge. The whitish pellet contains proteins and the bacterial genomic DNA. 用桌上型微量离心机以最高速离心10分钟。白色沈淀物含有蛋白质与细菌基因组DNA。
- Using primer pairs F1/F2, an amplified fragment was obtained from each of the genomic DNA of Cur. 引物F1/F2扩增结果:F1/F2可以从Cur.
- Vein blood samples 4-6ml were collected and Genomic DNA were extracted. Exon 9 of CFH gene was PCR amplified . 抽取外周抗凝血4-6ml,用酚-氯仿抽提法提取全基因组DNA,聚合酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction ,PCR)扩增外显子9片断并进行直接测序。
- Citrus genomic DNA library was bloted with the AP1 and FBP1 mixed MADS box genes probe labeled by random primer method. 以大三岛脐橙基因组DNA为材料 ,用拟南芥AP1和矮牵牛FBP1的混合质粒DNA为模板 ,采用随机引物法标记探针 ,对柑桔基因组DNA文库进行噬菌斑原位杂交。
- The results indicated that the method of SDS was the most suitable one for Carya cathayensis genomic DNA isolation. 结果显示,SDS法更适合于山核桃基因组DNA的提取;
- According to the Marker (DL2000), we make clear that the dimension of wheat midge genomic DNA is about 25kb. 根据分子量Marker(DL2000),明确麦红吸浆虫基因组DNA的大小在25kb左右。
- Methods Genomic DNA was directly isolated from whole blood using Silica KI method. 方法 用硅胶 碘化钾 (Silica KI)吸附法直接从外周血提取基因组DNA。