- genital sense organ 生殖道分泌物
- The sense organs or receptors are structures. 感受器或接受器是结构。
- The responsive adjustment of a sense organ,such as the eye,to varying conditions,such as light intensity. 调节感觉器官(如眼睛)对变化的条件(如光线强度)作出的反应性调整
- The responsive adjustment of a sense organ, such as the eye, to varying conditions, such as light intensity. 调节感觉器官(如眼睛)对变化的条件(如光线强度)作出的反应性调整
- A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell or taste, that responds to chemical stimuli. 化学感受器对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官
- A sensory nerve cell or sense organ,as of smell or taste,that responds to chemical stimuli. 化学感受器对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官
- Chemoreception:The physiological response of a sense organ to a chemical stimulus. 化学感受:感觉器官对化学刺激所作出的生理反应.
- A sense organ, such as the ear, that receives and responds to stimuli originating from outside the body. 外感受器接受和反应体外传来的刺激的一种感觉器官,如耳
- Physiology The responsive adjustment of a sense organ, such as the eye, to varying conditions, such as light intensity. 调节:感觉器官(如眼睛)对变化的条件(如光线强度)作出的反应性调整
- NOMETRO restores ancient ways with lying fallow classically wind, see world of compose sense organ again, prodigal languid is lazy refined. NOMETRO以经典的休闲复古风,再次解构感官世界,挥霍慵懒的雅致。
- Sense organ and papillae around the mouth of nymphal A.agkistrodontis were occasionally seen under scanning electron microscope. 虫体口和对钩外的体表上布满大小不同似吸盘样感觉器;
- Adopting theca box as sense organ, the gauges are widely applied to boiler ventilating, gas pipeline, burning device and other similar devices. 测量对铜合金不起腐蚀作用、无爆炸危险的气体的微压和真空,广泛应用于锅炉通风、气体管道、燃烧装置及其它类似设备上。
- Jauss thought aesthetic delight is one kind of free delight, this free nature makes it different with the moral delight and the sense organ delight. 同时,他还在深入考察前人理论的基础上,提出了一个富有辩证意味的审美快感新定义:享受他物中的自我享受。
- Up to now,the internal quality of cigarettes has been evaluated by sense organ of men who are evaluating experts in quality of tobaccos. 迄今为止,卷烟的内在品质是靠评吸专家的感官评定的,由于受到其经验、情绪以及环境条件等多种因素的影响,评定结果的准确性难以保证。
- Performance: The use glistens the material and the exaggerating modelling, matching is bold, pursues the sense organ stimulation. 表现:使用闪亮材料和夸张造型,搭配大胆,追求感官刺激。
- Water soluble extracts of sufu were subjected to organoliptic evaluation and chemical analysis in order to elucidate the contribution of taste compounds to their sense organ. 提取六种腐乳中的滋味物质,结合理化分析与感官评定建立滋味物质与感官之间的联系。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- The new-type differential pressure densimeter uses MPU and dual ceramic capacitance pressure sensor as sense organ, it is specifically for quick response and high precision. 文中设计的差压式密度计以微处理器为核心,采用双陶瓷电容压力传感器作为敏感元件,具有响应快,精度高的特点。
- Via determining, of breath the difference in temperature inside vitreous room is only 0. 5 Celsius are controlled, suit the sense organ of people particularly. 经测定,装有呼吸玻璃房间内的温差仅有0.5摄氏度左右,非凡适合人们的感官。
- Humans have no sense organs designed specifically to detect terrestrial vibrations. 人类没有专门用于探查地面振动的感觉器官。