- Various disputes exist around the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). 摘要在生物技术时代关于遗传修饰生物(GMO)有很多争论。
- Genetically modified organism cottonseed oil. 用转基因棉籽制取的油。
- However, genetic engineering raises amny legal and ethical issues, and the introduction of genetically modified organisms into the environment requires strict controls and monitoring. 然而,随着遗传工程进一步的应用,许多法律、道德的问题相应而生。因此,将基因改良生物应用于实际还需要严格控制和监测。
- Reshaping Our World Explores the implications of genetically modified organisms and cloning. 剖析基因改造和复制生物所牵涉的问题。
- DNA extract by using modified CTAB methods was suitable for PCR-based detection of genetically modified organisms in foods and animals feed. PCR方法检测转基因食品时,应用改良CTAB法制备DNA模板。
- Such a principle sparks many transatlantic disputes: over genetically modified organisms or climate change, for example. 这种规定在美洲大陆引起了许多的争议,比如说关于基因改良生物体或气候变化的争议。
- America's openness to new technology conflicts with Europe's instinctive suspicion of genetically modified organisms, for example. 例如,美国对新技术的开放与欧洲对转基因生物固有的怀疑相冲突。
- The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell, or a genetically modified organ, or a whole animal. 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。
- For a decade, the European Union has maintained itself as the last big swath of land that is mostly free of genetically modified organisms, largely by avoiding tough questions. 过去10年来,欧盟维护其作为最后一大块大致上没有基因改造有机体净土的地位,方法主要是避碰棘手问题。
- The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell or a genetically modified organ or a whole animal. 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。
- Conclusions: The ratio of claiming genetically modified organisms in food ingredients is low in Guiyang, and the knowledge of it is lack among Guiyang citizen. 结论:贵阳市食品市场中转基因食品标识率低,且市民对转基因食品的认识不足。
- Abstract With rapid development of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the safety of the GMOs has drawn drastic arguments and popular attentions globally. 摘要 目前转基因植物的安全性在全球范围内引起激烈的争论与普遍关注。
- Genetically modified organism (GMO). Biological organisms which have been induced by various means to consist of genetic structural changes (FSC Principles and Criteria, Feb 2000). 转基因生物体:采用各种手段促使其遗传结构发生了变化的生物体(FSC原则和标准,2000年2月)。
- Beginning with the legal framework of EC environmental policy, this paper respectivelly reviewed its regulation on three major dangerous substances including chemicals, radioactive substances and genetically modified organisms. 从考察欧共体环境政策的法律框架出发,分别评析了对有毒化学品、放射性物质和基因修饰生物体等三类主要危险物质的管制。
- Brazilian soy exporters are concerned that a ban on genetically modified organisms at the main grains port of Paranagua and a record soy crop will lead to a logistics nightmare in coming months. 巴西大豆出口商担心,在主要粮食港口巴拉那实施转基因生物禁令的情况下,创纪录的大豆收成将使港口的后勤服务在未来几个月陷入极度因境。"
- The resulting organisms are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or transgenic organisms. Figure 4-8 outlines the steps involved in developing a genetically modified plant. 这种结果的生物称为基因改造生物或转换基因的生物。图4-8略述包含发展基因改造植物的步骤。
- Social Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms 转基因生物的社会风险分析
- GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms) GMO(转基因生物)
- agricultural genetically modified organisms 农业转基因生物