- genesis of ore bodies 矿体成因
- The ore bodies were controlled by ductile shear metamorphic deformation belt,the genesis of the deposit is a superimposed... 矿体受韧性剪切变形变质带控制,矿床成因为变质热液与岩浆热液叠加的复合型。
- Based on the studies of the REE and trace elements of igneous rocks, and the stable isotope and inclusions Of the ore bodies, this paper discusses the genesis of the dePOsit. 本文在对比分析矿区火成岩(围岩)及含矿段岩矿石稀土元素、微量元素的基础上,结合矿石稳定同位素及包裹体特征对矿床成因作了探讨。
- Because of its abundant sources of ore, heat and water, it is a superior area for gold mineralization.The genesis of deposits and the laws of metall... 本区矿源、热源、水源都很丰富,成矿地质条件优越,具成矿远景,矿床成因与成矿规律符合“三源”成矿模式。
- Based on the study of the genesis of ore deposits, metallogenic system di scusses regional metallogeny in a macroscopic way by combining metallogeny wi th time, space, substance and movement. 成矿系统是在一般矿床成因研究的基础上,着重从宏观上,从成矿的时间、空间、物质、运动的有机结合上,探讨区域尺度的成矿规律。
- The formation of ore bodies is controlled by stratum,structure,magmatic rocks,physiochemical conditions and so on. 矿体的形成受地层、构造、岩浆岩及物化条件等综合控制。
- It shows a double-layed structure with extensive alteration zoning at bottom of ore bodies and mineraliza... 矿床有双层结构,下部有强烈的围岩蚀变分带,矿体内有矿化分带。
- Spatial distribution of ore bodies in Yamansu Fe deposit is controled by fractures that formed during ore formation.They occur as lens in three horizons and extend undulatedly. 雅满苏铁矿矿体的空间分布受成矿期断裂构造的控制,呈透镜状、舒缓波状延伸,分3个层位产出。
- There are pockets of ore in the mountain. 那座山里有好几块矿藏。
- There are streaks of ore in the mountains. 这山里有矿脉。
- The shapes and the rich-thick positions of ore bodies are controlled by the crossing positions of dense small concealed faults nearly EW with the concealed faults of NNW direction. 近EW向密集发育的小规模隐伏断层及其与NNW向隐伏断层的交切部位控制着矿体形态及其富厚部位。
- A rich mine, vein, or pocket of ore. 富矿脉富矿坑、脉、囊
- International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits 国际矿床成因协会
- Keywords kaolin deposit;genesis of ore deposit;Yangxi of Suzhou; 高岭土矿床;矿床成因;苏州阳西;
- The simulation of ore body using computer technology is of significance to the design of mining exploitation design. 摘要利用计算机技术进行矿体形态的模拟对指导矿山开采设计具有重要的意义。
- Contour map of ore body has got used widly, but there are some specious questions existing in its application. 矿体等高线图是应用广泛的图件,同时似是而非的问题也随之出现。
- The book deals with the genesis of cultural patterns. 这是一本关于不同文化模式起源的书。
- The geochemical character of ore body is analyzed in this paper. The authors point out that As is the best ore hunting indication element in soil halo. 对哲波山微细浸染型金矿床地球化学特征进行初步的研究得出 :矿床次生晕中 Au,As关系密切 ,As是最佳指示元素 ; 矿床原生晕特征在不同的成矿阶段表现出不同的特征。
- The stability of skarn in the soleplate of ore body is bad and the mining ground pressure is serious in Xishimen iron ore mine. 鲁中小官庄铁矿由于埋藏深、地压大、矿体倾角比较缓、矿岩破碎,是国内有名的难采矿山之一。
- We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe. 我们仍不能令人满意地解释宇宙的起源。