- Scentists use observation and experimentation to examine a specific concept in light of existing theories and principles. 由于约翰在作业本上做了额外的作业,老师为他改了成绩。
- TechNotes are short, focused technical articles that explain a specific concept or walk through a particular scenario. 技术说明(TechNotes)是一些侧重于技术领域的短文章,用于解释特定的概念或探讨特定的应用场景。
- Intersubjectivity is not a new theory.Though the philosophy of Greece and Germany had not the specific concept of intersubjectivity, had contained such thought. 主体间性不是一个崭新的理论,古希腊哲学和德国古典哲学虽没有明确提出主体间性的概念,但已蕴含此类思想。
- After summarizing their interpretations, it is shown that, be-cause the epistemological reading overlooks Hegel's specific concept of Truth, their reading fails to do justice to Hegel's texts. 在简述三人的解释之后,本文指出:由于知识论的解读忽略了黑格尔特殊的真理概念,他们的解读并不符合黑格尔的文本。
- General specifications for automobile ferry-barges. 长江水系汽车渡驳通用技术条件。
- General specifications of pyrotechnic distress sig. 船用烟火信号通用技术条件。
- Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification. 电子设备用固定电容器。第1部分:总规范。
- This is triennial is being held for the third time.In the two previous triennials there were no specific concepts or measures for spatial design. 这一界三年展是第三次举办,之前的两次并没有对空间的概念做具体的设计或者概念实施。
- Generate specific shipping charges for each shipping option available to customers. 对于客户可使用的每种托运选项,订定特定的寄件费用。
- specific concept plus differential 属加种差
- Fibre ropes for general service. General specification. 通用纤维索。一般规范。
- General Specification for Hong Kong Housing Authority, Jan. 及房屋署编审的通用规格。
- These sections each cover the inquiry API,the publishing API,and appendices that describe specific concepts,technical details,UDDI extensions or added background information. 下面的这些部分分别是查询API的描述、发布API的描述以及一些描述特别技术概念、技术细节、UDDI扩展以及附加背景知识的附录。
- the specific concept of development 科学发展观
- These sections each cover the inquiry API, the publishing API, and appendices that describe specific concepts, technical details, UDDI extensions or added background information. 下面的这些部分分别是查询api的描述、发布api的描述以及一些描述特别技术概念、技术细节、UDDI扩展以及附加背景知识的附录。
- "Paganism" describes religions that believe in the holiness of all things around them - rocks, trees, animals, clouds and so forth - rather than in specific concepts or beings. "原始信仰"是古老的万物有灵论-崇拜岩石,树木,动物,云雾等等-而不是一种确定的信仰概念。
- Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Part 1: Generic specification - General requirements and test methods. 射频与同轴电缆组件。第1部分:一般规范。一般要求和试验方法。
- Cancer vaccines can generate specific immune response to get goals of treatment mainly through activate the tumor-resistant antigen(TRA),especially anti-tumor specific antigen. 肿瘤疫苗主要是通过肿瘤相关抗原,尤其是肿瘤特异性抗原,激活免疫系统产生针对肿瘤的特异性免疫反应来达到治疗目的。
- Tumors are immunogenic, the immune system recognize tumors through mechanical immune surveillance, generate specific antitumor immune response to inhibit the growth of tumor. 肿瘤具有免疫原性,机体通过精细的免疫监视机制识别肿瘤,并能够产生特异性的抗肿瘤免疫反应,从而抑制肿瘤的生长。
- This concept is at the very core of her theory. 这个概念是她理论的核心。