- generic control language 属性控制语言
- Contains settings to control language configuration for a user's desktop. 包含控制用户桌面的语言配置的设置。
- C.O., job control language N, cash discount, publicity material, NPB, n.p. 更多翻译在下一页: azimuth; print layout; space barkey n; N.
- Inference control language (ICL) is used to describe expert knowledge and to control the reasoning procedure. 此外 ,系统还引入了一种专用高级语言 :推理控制语言 ICL,用于描述和操作专家知识与规则 ,并控制推理过程
- The part of the System Support Program Product which reads and processes operation control language statements from the system input device. IBM的系统支持程序产品的组成部分,它读取并处理来自系统输入设备的操作控制语言语句。
- This article presents the circuit of at89c55 interfacing with EPSON C4X, the printer control language, writes the driver using C51. 给出AT89C5 5和EPSONC4X的接口电路 ,介绍了该打印机的控制语言 ,并用C5 1编写了打印机驱动程序
- Using exceptions for general control flow will likely make performance suffer. 对于常规的控制流使用异常将有可能大大影响性能。
- The steam generator controls the pump. 此泵由蒸汽炉控制。
- This paper introducs a programmable dialog box with DCL dialog control language,which is drivered by ADS and it's use in the electric control equipment. 本文介绍了采用DCL对话控制语言编写,并由ADS驱动程序驱动的图形窗口式文本输入对话框在电气成套控制设备CAD中的应用。
- A job control language ( JCL ) statement that marks the beginning of a job step and identifies the program to be executed or the cataloged or in-stream procedure to be used. 一种作业控制语言(JCL)语句,标志一个作业步的开始,并标识出将执行的程序,或者所使用的编目过程或流内过程。
- A properties dialog box generally controls the current selection. 一般来说,属性对话框控制当前的选择。
- You must write code to fill the generated controls with data. 必须编写代码以使用数据填充生成的控件。
- Because a mainframe is composed of so many components, its command processor and IOCS are more complex than a microcomputer's (for example, compare IBM's job control language to MS/DOS command language), but the functions performed are similar. 因为主机是由许多部件组成的,所以主机的命令处理程序和IOCS都要比微型机的复杂(例如,IBM的作业控制语言和ms/DOS命令语言的比较),但是所完成的功能是类似的。
- A system task that handles system initialization, allocation of time-shared regions, swapping, and general control of the time-sharing operation. 一种系统任务,处理系统初始化、分时区域分配、交换和分时操作的全面控制。
- ADS (The AutoCAD Development System) and DCL (Dialog Control Language) are presented by designing interface of the gas spring CAD system, ad the design and implementation of interface dialog box are analyzed. 结合可控气弹簧CAD系统的界面设计介绍了AutoCAD二次开发语言ADS及DCL;重点分析了高级接口对话框的设计与实现.
- TCA provides a general control framework, and is intended to control a wide variety of robots. TCA提供了一个通用的控制框架,旨在控制多种机器人。
- In most people,the left side of the brain --- the part that controls language --- is larger than the right side. 对于大多数人来说,左脑控制语言的部分比右脑大。
- An automatic generation control(AGC) system with security corrections and control-in-advance is proposed. 针对目前国内电力系统自动发电控制(AGC)技术的应用现状,提出了具有安全校正与超前控制功能的AGC系统构架。
- Thirdly, a general control of the total income of medical institutions will be conducted, and its structure will be adjusted. 三是对医疗机构的收入实行总量控制,结构调整。
- On the basis of AutoCAD2000 design platform,using secondary development tools such as Visual lisp language, dialog control language, image control menu and tool fence,the author develops style chart design module. 基于AutoCAD2000设计平台,利用AutoCAD2000的Visual Lisp语言、对话框控制语言(DCL)、图像控件菜单、工具栏等二次开发工具,开发了款式图设计模块。