- It will be a fertility of year for much raining. 因为雨水多,今年会是丰产的一年。
- True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解。
- It's rich there because of the fertility of soil. 因为土地肥沃,那儿很富裕。
- She is taking drugs to increase her fertility. 她为了增强她的生殖能力而在服药。
- EBF is a new fertilization system,which is on the theory of the nitrient cycle(General Fertilization Model,GFM). “生态平衡施肥”是以施肥系统养分循环原理“通用施肥模型”为理论基础 ,以实用和高新技术优化组装的技术体系为实现手段 ,以“生态型肥料”为载体的新的施肥系统。
- There is a generation gap between my parents and I. 我父母和我之间有代沟。
- He is a member of beat generation. 他是个颓废派的成员。
- Costa Rican soils are generally fertile and in well drained soils a yield of 40 - 45 t/ha/year (1600 - 1800 exportable boxes) can be obtained with little inputs. 哥斯达黎加土壤一般很肥沃,在排水良好的土壤上无需什么投入就可获得40~45吨/公顷/年的产量(1600~1800出口货箱)。
- My generation behaves differently from my father's. 我们这一代人的所作所为和我父亲的那一代人不同。
- Amphibians and reptiles generally fertilize their eggs and abandon them to the elements, while birds and mammals raise their young, and so are bound closer to life from birth. 两栖类和爬行类一般是卵生的,产卵后通常直接弃之外界环境,不得不屈从于大自然的影响;而鸟类和哺乳动物抚养他们的后代,因此从诞生起就与生命更紧密地联系在一起。
- To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
- They set the fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- They set a fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- Many old legends were handed down from generation by mouth. 许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了。
- But it is always the younger generation who will make the future. 但是未来终归要由年青的一代来创造。
- One generation of a specific lineage. 一代家族某种特殊世家的后代
- He is famous for the fertility of his imagination. 他因为想象力丰富而著名。
- Michael Putman is a fertility specialist in Dallas. 他知道这项研究,但对此没有足够的信任。
- She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation. 她也许是她那时代最伟大的作家。
- He developed the theme with fertility and power. 他丰富而有力地表现了主题。