- Alternatively, we can give the leftmost menu a more generic label such as Document. 或者另一种选择,可以给左端的菜单一个更为通用的标签,比如“文档”。
- But now you know that the label publication is a generic label just waiting for placeholders. 但是,现在您知道标签出版物是一个在等待占位符的一般标签。
- The column headings correspond to placeholders (also called merge fields) that you add to the generic label publication. 列标题与您添加到一般标签出版物中的占位符(也称为“合并域”)相对应。
- The control does not generate label elements to associate labels with controls. 该控件不生成用于将标签与控件相关联的。
- Function keys A set of keyboard keys that are used to command the computer to perform a specific function and are generally labelled. 键盘上,一组用来命令电脑进行某个特别功能的键;它通常贴有标签。
- Function keys: A set of keyboard keys that are used to command the computer to perform a specific function and are generally labelled. 功能键:键盘上,一组用来命令电脑进行某个特别功能的键;它通常贴有标签。
- We have many kinds of crafts to be choice: general label print, permeate label print, hectograph label print, thermosetting label print, high Elasticity label print and so on. 在印唛烫画工艺上我们有多种工艺可供选择:普通印唛烫画,渗透印唛烫画,柯式印唛烫画,热固印唛烫画,高弹印唛烫画等。
- Generally speaking, we enjoyed the trip. 总的来说,我们这次旅行很愉快。
- The prase is labeled as slang in the dictionary. 这一短语在字典里称为俚语。
- Beginning coffee's journey from farm to cup, producers first sell their crop to millers, exporters or any number of additional folks in between, generically labeled “middlemen” or “coyotes. 咖啡旅程的开始从农场到杯子,生产者首先把庄稼卖给磨坊出口商或者在其中的任何其他平民,通常标上“中间人”或者“土狼”。
- Instead, it's a kind of generic label that stands for all the potential labels in your set. 相反,它是一种一般标签,代表您的标签组中的所有可能的标签。
- He labeled the bottle poisonous. 他在瓶子上贴了表示有毒的标签。
- He attached a label to his baggage. 他往行李上贴了一个标签。
- Iliad is generally fathered on Homer. 人们一般认为《伊利亚特》为荷马所著。
- She makes herself generally useful. 她能干各式各样的工作。
- He generally keeps silent at a meeting. 他通常在会上保持沉默。
- Generally, we go to the sea for our holidays. 我们通常到海边度假。
- His work is difficult to label accurately. 他的工作很难准确归类。
- Attach the label to your luggage. 把标签贴(系)在你的行李上。
- The boy was labeled a troublemaker. 这男孩被人称作捣蛋鬼。