- A general tendency, movement, or course. 趋向总体的倾向、动向或进程
- A general tendency or inclination. 趋向总的趋向或倾向
- On getting cooler, the general tendency of matter is to contract. 在受冷时,物体总的趋势是体积变小。
- On freezing the general tendency of matter is to contract. 在受冷时,物体总的趋势是体积变小。
- But we must fully recognize the general tendency and the real aim of these "democrats" and not be too naive about them. 但是对这些所谓“民主派”的总的倾向和真正目的是什么,一定要认识清楚,不要天真。
- We must realize that this is not only a problem relating to the style of the Party.It has become a general tendency in our society -- a social problem. 应该看到,这不单是一个党风问题,而且形成了一种社会风气,成了一个社会问题。
- Planning and design theories and attitudes often originate in abstract and generalized tendencies and perception. 规划和设计的各种理论及看法,经常是从傾向和感覺歸納总结而来。
- Market order supersedes plan order is a lengthy process, its are main the obstacle is order of " relation " already had generalization tendency. 市场秩序替代计划秩序是一个漫长的过程,其主要障碍是"关系"秩序已有普遍化趋势。
- As the fish grew,there was a general tendency toeat crustaceans mainly juvenile shrimps(mysis)and crabs(megalopa),followedby young fishes,young molluscs and young polychetes. 随着鱼体之逐渐成长则改食虾蟹类幼苗,仔稚鱼,软体动物幼苗以及多毛类之幼苗。
- The general tendency of expression of WGA and ECL receptors in the neural tube at different developmental stages was gradually decreased and then gradually rose. 其中,WGA受体和ECL受体在各组神经管头部、体部和尾部表达的总体趋势均是先下降后上升;
- A general tendency of shorter AERP and dispersion of the refractory period as well as functional block was the electrophysiologic basis of multiple reentrant wavelets. (7)不应期弥散,心耳与心房体部的AERP有显著差别。
- There is a general tendency to hyper-correction in English teaching, so it is essential to expound the relativity of correct English from the following dimensions: varieties of English, regional variants of English, and language change. 语言矫枉过正”是英语教学中长期存在而又被忽略的一个问题,因此,有必要从英语变体、语区域性变异、言变化的角度阐述英语正确性的内涵与实质。
- His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork. 他的病是由于工作过度所致。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- A tendency to revert to a former state. 反动希望回到过去状态的趋势
- Having the ability or tendency to augment. 有增加或扩大作用的具有增加的能力或趋势的
- Observed a state of generalized discontent. 观察一个有普遍不满情绪的国家
- A downward tendency, as in the price of a stock. 下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势
- There is a tendency towards regional cooperation. 有一种地区性合作的趋势。
- The general tendencies should be to overload the coaches choices with forwards in the West and guards in the East. 大体的倾向是教练在西部的前锋位置和东部的后卫位置上有太多的选择了。