- A group of identities are established for the reverse order law of the weighted generalized inverses, on the condition that M and N are invertible. 摘要研究了在权数矩阵M,N可逆的条件下加权广义逆的反序律,给出了多种表达式。
- By using the weighted generalized inverses of morphisms, the weighted minus ordering and the weighted star ordering of morphism set in a category are introduced and discussed. 摘要利用态射的加权广义逆,引进并讨论态射集中的加权减序和加权星序。
- This paper is exploring some applications of sin gular value decomposition in showing various kinds of generalized inverses and p roving some fundamental property of A . 讨论了作为矩阵理论和矩阵计算最基本、最重要工具之一的奇异值分解在表示各种广义逆以及证明A+的基本性质等方面的应用.
- Generalized Inverses of a Sum of Morphisms 关于态射和的广义逆
- Automorphism group of a linear code is obtained with the help of the general linear group constructed by all invertible matrices, and it is illustrated by matrices generalized inverses. 给出了通过求解可逆矩阵构成的一般线性群,获得线性码的自同构群的方法,并利用矩阵广义逆理论,对线性码的自同构群进行进一步刻划。
- minimum norm generalized inverses 极小范数广义逆
- At the same time the generalized inversion method enhanced the stability and the accuracy. 同时,广义逆方法提高了反演计算的稳定性和精度。
- The generalized inverse of partitioned matrices and the expression of generalized inverse using maximal nonsingular submatrix are discussed. 摘要讨论了分块矩阵的广义逆,以及用矩阵的满秩子块表示广义逆。
- In this paper,the Moho depth in the region of the Ryukyu trench arc basin system was calculated using the technology of a 3 D generalized inversion. 本文利用三维广义反演技术对重力资料进行反演,计算出了琉球沟弧盆系地区的莫氏面深度。
- On Generalized Inverses of A Block in A Partitioned Matrix 分块矩阵中子块的广义逆
- On Generalized Inverses of Morphisms with Generalized Factorization 具有广义分解的态射的广义逆
- Generalized inverse matrix (GIM) is a new force method based on the generalized inverse matrix theory, which is an iteration method for solving material nonlinear problems. 摘要广义逆力法是一种以力法为力学概念基础,以广义逆矩阵理论为数学理论基础,以迭代求解为求解方式的新算法。
- And in this study, an unified matrix solution was given based on the systems of linear indefinite equations with integral coefficients and generalized inverse matrix. 本文利用线性代数知识,借助于矩阵的广义逆矩阵,给出了一种求整系数线性不定方程组的统一方法-矩阵法。
- Some Results of the Generalized Inverses of Module Homomorphisms 模同态广义逆的一些结果
- Generalized Inverses of Matrices on an Arbitrary Division Ring 任意除环上矩阵的广义逆
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- With the same test system, the effect of generalize inversion is much better than that of conventional SIRT method. 在同等测试条件下,广义逆方法的反演效果比传统的SIRT方法好。
- One of the characters of self-converse generalize inverse and the expression of generalize inverse are obtained by matrix product in this paper. 以矩阵的直积和矩阵的行展开、展开为工具;推导出了自反广义逆的一个性质;并且得出了广义逆的一种新的表示形式.
- Observed a state of generalized discontent. 观察一个有普遍不满情绪的国家
- Recently, due to the development of science and technology and need of practical problems, many scholars both here and abroad are very interested in and have focused on the study of generalized inverse of linear operators in an abstract space. 近年来,为了科技的发展和解决现实问题的需要,国内外诸多学者对于抽象空间上线性算子的广义逆产生了非常浓厚的兴趣并进行了深入的研究。