- The two generators operate in parallel. 这两台发电机并联发电。
- The general operated from a tent on the battlefield. 将军在战场上搭起的帐篷里指挥战船。
- When you assign rights for these general operations, the application interprets them in a way specific to that application. 在为这些常规操作分配权限时,应用程序以特定于该应用程序的方式解释这些操作。
- The Red Army generally operates by surprise attacks. 红军的作战一般是奇袭。
- As I think Heraclitus in a place speaketh of them that sleep, that even they do work in their kind, and do confer to the general operations of the world. 他幼年丧父,由母亲和祖父抚养长大,在希腊文学和拉丁文学、修辞、哲学、法律、绘画等方面受到了很好的教育,谙熟斯多葛学派哲学,并在生活中身体力行。
- Profitsstill dropped sharply from a year ago as Duke wrote down the value ofsome power generation operations in the Midwest due to lower powerprices and demand. 利润仍然下降,从一年前大幅写下公爵在中西部由于较低的电力价格,并要求一些发电业务的价值。
- The digital watermarking of the relational database can be easi ly destroyed by database general operations,so a robust method is necessary to detect it. 关系数据库数字水印容易被数据库的常规操作破坏,但通过采用汉明码和多数选举相结合的纠错方法可以提高水印的检测率,比单纯的汉明码纠错效果要好。
- General operational corrugated machinery to facilitate the transfer paper. 一般瓦楞纸机器可操作,以利纸张输送。
- The first processors that supported concurrency provided atomic test-and-set operations, which generally operated on a single bit. 支持并发的第一个处理器提供原子的测试并设置操作,通常在单位上运行这项操作。
- The field of operations has been staked out. 军事演习的区域已经划定。
- The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
- The analysis of cogging force is important in the novel wave power linear generator operation. 摘要为了使新型直线波力发电机能够良好运行,需要准确分析定位力的大小。
- They can supply funds for general operating support, which public and philanthropic funders seldom provide. 但是,和营利机构一样,让创收收益来增加利润非常具有挑战性。
- He continued his operations in cotton futures. 他继续进行棉花期货交易。
- The wind generator operates in MPPT mode and the grid-side converter controls the dc voltage in normal condition. 正常情况下,发电侧变流器控制发电机工作在最大风能跟踪模式,向直流系统输送尽可能多的有功,网侧变流器维持直流电压。
- We establish a Hille-Yosida type theorem without assumkng that the generating operators are densely defined. 英文摘要: Motivated by [*]1; this paper deals with local once integrated C-regularized cosine function.
- ADO own package of a base class, which contains the general operation of the ADO. 自己封装的一个ADO的基类,里面包含的ADO的一般性操作。
- Data deduplication can generally operate at the file, block, and even the bit level. 重复数据删除技术通常可以在文件操作,块,甚至位的水平。
- A.J.Wood and B.F.Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control., N.Y.John Wiely &Sons, Inc., pp.8-22, 1996. 黄文良编译,输配电学电力系统分析及设计(第二版),全华科技图书股份有限公司,民国84年2月。