- The existing models for forecasting hourly total solar irradiance are unsatisfactory in forecast errors and the generalization capability. 现有的地面太阳逐时总辐射预测模型的预测精度及泛化能力尚不能令人满意。
- Experimental results show that the proposed AEPSVR can reduce the affect of outliers, and have the very good generalization capability. 实验表明,该支撑向量回归机AEPSVR能显著地降低离群点的影响,具有良好的泛化性能。
- To achieve better network generalization capability, the PSO combined with the gradient descent algorithm was applied to optimize the parameters of the ellipsoidal units. 为提高椭球基概率神经网络的性能,提出了一种把粒子群优化算法和梯度下降算法相结合的混合结构优化算法用于椭球基神经元的优选和控制参数的优化。
- The improving neural network subsection prediction model can take advantage of simple network structure, fast convergence rate and strong generalization capability, and get a good modeling effect. 尤其是改进的神经网络分段预测模型具有网络结构简化、收敛速度快,泛化能力强的特点,取得很好的拟合精度和预测效果。
- As for high precision control of uncertain nonlinear systems based on NN, the generalization capability of NN is so important that the control precision is affected directly by it . 神经网络应用于控制系统设计主要是针对系统的非线性、不确定性和复杂性进行的。 对于基于神经网络的不确定非线性系统的高精度控制场合,神经网络泛化性能的好坏显得尤为重要,它直接影响到系统的控制精度。
- To verify the generalization capability of the proposed method, the expanded database is used to train an AdaBoost-based face detector and test it on the MIT+CMU frontal face test set. 为了证明该算法所生成样本的推广能力;将这些生成的样本用于训练一个基于AdaBoost的人脸检测器;并且将它在MIT+CMU的正面人脸测试库上进行了测试.
- Experiments show that the given improved algorithm is significantly superior to the original FCV algorithm in terms of time and space computational complexity and generalization capability. 实验表明,优化后的算法在时间和空间性能上都有提高,其泛化能力明显高于FCV算法。
- Experiments results show that the modified BP arithmetic not only has shorted study time, high efficiency, but also meet with the error goal, improve the generalization capability. 基于网络算法的改进主要包括基于标准数值优化的改进方法和基于标准梯度下降的改进方法。
- To investigate generalization capability of feedforward neural networks,the influencing factors of generalization capability of feedforward neural networks are analyzed according to function theory. 针对前向神经网络泛化问题,从函数论的角度分析了影响前向神经网络泛化性能的因素。
- The client application takes advantage of this dynamic stub generation capability; the stub is generated when the ORB requests it for them. 客户机应用程序会利用这种动态存根生成能力;存根是在请求ORB时生成的。
- In order to improve the production’s output and general capability ,and debase the cost, we must seek a automatically checking and assembly line to adapt volume-produce. 这已经不能满足国内外用户的需求,为了提高产品的产量和综合性能,降低产品成本,必须寻求一种适应大批量生产的自动化检测装配线。
- On account of the particularity of securities bussiness,the paper suggests an index which represents the general capability of system and a way to calculate it:the maximum number of accounts holded by the system. 鉴于证券业务的特殊性,提出了一个综合反映系统能力的指标及其计算方法:系统可容纳最大帐户数。
- This paper discusses the required basic character of editors in journals of colleges and unviersities from the three respects of political quality, moral character and general capability of business. 本文从政治素质、道德修养、综合业务能力三个方面阐述了高校学报编辑应具备的基本素质。
- This algorithm based on the principle of structural risk minimization can solve the problem of overfitting effectively and has good generality capability and better classification accuracy. 它基于结构风险最小化原则,能有效地解决过学习问题,具有良好的推广性和分类精确性。
- The act or capability of attracting. 吸引力,魅力吸引的行为或能力
- One caution about things like XML validators is that when running a load test, they use up a significant chunk of the load generation capabilities. 对于XML验证程序之类的对象,请注意一点,那就是当运行负载测试时,它们会占用大部分负载生成容量。
- As a scientist, he have the capability of do important research. 作为一个科学家,他具有从事重要科学研究的能力。
- Instead of pursuing the generic capabilities of code portability, XML Web services provide a viable solution for enabling data and system interoperability. XML Web服务并不追求一般的代码可移植性功能,而是为实现数据和系统的互操作性提供了一种可行的解决方案。
- generalizing capability in reading 阅读概括水平
- As a scientist, he has the capability of doing important research. 作为一个科学家,他具有从事重要科学研究的能力。