- general quantile regression 一般分位数回归模型
- In allusion to the disadvantages of the methods we usually use, quantile regression is introduced and the goodness of fit is improved effectively. 针对当前常用混合成本分解方法的不足,本文引入百分位数回归方法,有效提高混合成本分解的拟合优度。
- This paper analyzes the relationship between the stock market return and the trade volume by using quantile regression. 本文用分量回归的方法来分析中国股市收益率和成交量关系。
- Based on quantile regression, this paper reexamines the spillover effect of FDI in China% industry sector. 摘要本文使用分位数回归法重新审视了外资对中国工业部门的技术溢出。
- So we introduced and used quantile regression method, which was robust in this situation. 同时,根据以往研究经验知道,模型可能存在内生性问题,因此,本文将所有模型在所有数据集上进行内生性检验,并且首先估计不存在内生性的模型。
- We employ quantile regression to capture the behavior at each quantile of conditional distribution. 以普通最小平方迴归的方式来估计中小企业市场占有率时,会忽略其条件分配的差异。
- In the process of data processing, we mostly use path analysis and quantile regression to test model. 在数据处理过程中,本文主要利用路径分析、分位数回归等统计方法对模型进行了实证检验。
- Buchinsky, Moshe (1997), “Recent Advances in Quantile Regression Models: A Practical Guideline for Empirical Research,” Yale University and NBER. 林文祥(2004)信用卡应收债权证券化---国内业务研究与探讨。私立辅仁大学金融研究所。
- We examine the relationship between the stock return and trading volume in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock market using quantile regression. 摘要 文章应用分位数回归考察我国沪深股市成交量和收益率之间的关系。
- Chapter 5 concludes the paper. Nonparametric and semiparametric functional coefficient quantile regression have very good explainations for economic issues. 第五章给出了本文的最终结论,说明了非参数和半参数变系数分位数回归模型对于实际经济问题具有很好的解释能力。
- In theory, semiparametric functional coefficient quantile regression has less hypothesis and more extensive application in order to explain economic phenomena accurately. 半参数变系数分位数回归模型,在理论上其假设前提条件限制比较少,在应用上具有很好的灵活性和很广的适用空间,能够更好地解释现实经济问题。
- In this paper,the existence of contagion was tested by the change point testing of quantile regression model,and the contagious degree was given simultaneously. 本文应用分位点回归模型的变点检测,检验了传染效应的存在性,并给出了传染程度大小的一种度量方法。
- After giving a detailed review of the related research of this field in the second chapter, we developed our own method : nonparametric quantile regression,in the third chapter. 第二章对以往研究进行了详细总结之后,我们在第三章提出来本文的研究方法:非参数分位点回归法,并介绍了此方法。
- With the data from enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park and with quantile regression model, we in this paper have studied various relevant factors that impact the growth of high tech enterprises. 本文利用中关村科技园区的企业数据,运用分位回归模型研究了影响高新技术企业成长的各类相关因素。
- After summarizing research actuality of quantile regression inside and outside our country, this article introduces this ideal model and realization method, and compares it with OLS and LAD. 本文在对分位数回归的国内外研究现状进行综述后,介绍了分位数回归的模型和实现方法,并将它与最小平方法、最小一乘法进行了比较。
- Applying quantile regression to counterfactual decomposition, this study provides new evidence on Taiwan's public sector wage premium which differs from the results of previous literature. 本研究是以分量迴归架构分析我国劳动市场公部门溢酬的首度尝试,提供了传统均数迴归模型无法呈现的观察角度。
- This study employs quantile regression to capture what behavior exactly at each quantile of conditional house price distribution and to test the asymmetric effects of brokerage services. 以分量迴归估计后发现,仲介服务系数在各价格分量呈现很大的差异且显著。
- Quantile regression method was used to estimate the effects of a set of covariates on the quantiles of quality of life distribution. 本研究以参加中央健康保险局之气喘论量计酬计画216名儿童为研究样本。
- In this paper, we mainly discuss nonparametric and semiparametric functional coefficient quantile regressions, their estimation methods and applications. 在本文中,主要讨论了非参数和半参数变系数分位数回归模型的估计及其应用。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。