- Ponderations on General Physics Teaching 普通物理教学之我见
- The Application Of Analogic Method In General Physics Teaching 类比法在普通物理教学中的应用
- On the General Physics Teaching under the Direction of the Theory of Constructivism 浅谈在建构主义理论指导下的普通物理教学活动
- general physics teaching 普通物理教学
- This will allow one to show unambiguously the impact of PIM in teaching general physics. 这样,就可以清楚地说明在物理学教学上同侪指导法是可以行得通的。
- Welcome to the General Physics Lab of Tsinghua University. 清华大学物理实验室。
- How to Cultivate innovation ability in physics teaching? 如何在物理教学中培养创新能力?
- The study and discovery of general physical and logical laws. 法则学对一般的自然的或有逻辑的法则的研究或发现
- Lorenz is an educator, he Leiden University in physics and theoretical physics teaching for many years, wrote calculus and physics textbooks general. 洛伦兹还是一位教育家,他在莱顿大学从事普通物理和理论物理教学多年,写过微积分和普通物理等教科书。
- This paper elaborates the necessity and feasibility of bilingual teaching in general physics, and explores a set of teaching methods suited to our students. 从多个角度分析阐述了普通物理双语教学的必要性和可行性,并探索出一套适合中国学生特点的教学方法和手段。
- For a general physics journal, the impact factor is already very high. 对一本普通物理学期刊而言,此影响因子已经很高了。
- What should general physical checkup include? 全身检查应该包括哪些项?
- Role playing provides fine chances for students development and has distinctive rules in physics teaching. 角色扮演为物理教学和学生全面发展提供了良好的平台 ,在物理教学中具有独特的价值。
- These quantities are not in general physically measurable. 一般这些量是不能实际测定的。
- One of the duties in Physics teaching is to consciously train students dialectical ability. 自觉培养学生的辩证思维能力,是物理学科的重要职责之一。
- Experiment is an important means of physics teaching it couldn't be substitutive to other teaching methods. 实验是物理教学的一种重要手段,它是其它教学方法不能替代的。
- Teachers at the Physics Teaching Research Office are discussing how to teach with the new textbook. 物理教研室的老师正在探讨新教材的教法。
- Since then, He engaged in physics teaching and research work, and began to research the history of science. 从此,他在从事物理学教学和研究之余,又开始进入科技史研究新领域。
- General physics characteristic of the grid has abundant sharing,fictitious abstractness,organic integrating and the reasonable consulting. 一般物理特征具有充分共享性、虚拟抽象性、有机集成性和合理协商性等。
- This article mainly illustrated the thoughts about the reform mode in medical physics teaching. 本文主要阐述在医学物理学教学中教学模式改革的体会。