- general merchandise wholesaler 杂货批发商
- My company impost general merchandise. 我公司经营杂货进口业务。
- My company imposts general merchandise . 我公司经营杂货进口业务。
- Wholesale Variety and General Merchandise Show. 批发品种和一般商品展。
- Shandong jiaye general merchandise co., Ltd. 山东嘉业日用制品有限公司。
- Urumqi King's Mansion Well General Merchandise Co., Ltd. 乌鲁木齐市王府井百货有限责任公司。
- This import and export corporation deals in general merchandise, paper, building materials, etc. 这家进出口公司经营日用百货,纸张,建筑材料,电器用品和灯具等。
- This import and export corporation deals in general merchandise,paper,building materials,etc. 这家进出口公司经营日用百货,纸张,建筑材料,电器用品和灯具等。
- Currently, the major apparel retailers in Japan are SPAs, general merchandise stores and department stores. 现时,日本的主要服装零售渠道包括私家牌子服装专门店、大型综合商店及百货公司。
- General Merchandise Sector masinly manages commodities,small gifts small ornamentation. 小百货区主要经营各类日用小百货、小商品、小礼物、小饰品等。
- Our products line is cosmetic,chemical raw material (except dangerious items),general merchandise ,wrapper,craftwork . 经营范围:化妆品、化工原料及产品(除危险品)、百货、包装材料、工艺品的销售。
- ISTAN has become the leading retail group in Japan dealing with general merchandise. 历程现在伊势丹已成为日本首屈一指的零售业集团。
- General Merchandise: gifts, arts &crafts for daily use, Kitchen Wares, popular articles. 日用百货:礼品,工艺品,五金厨具,流行商品。
- Main: selling tickets, station management, general merchandise, counters leasing, goods storage, property management. 首页>重庆公司>主营:代售车票,站务管理,日用百货,柜台租赁,货物寄存,物业管理。
- General Merchandise, Sports Goods, Drawnwork & Embroidered Articles, Silk, Cloth Garments. 日用百货,运动器具,抽纱刺绣,丝绸布匹,服装, 原料出入口商,代理商。
- This import and export corporation deals in general merchandise, paper, building material, electrical appliances, light, etc. 这家进出口公司经营日用百货,纸张,建筑材料,电器用品和灯具等。
- General merchandise solutions with comprehensive functionality that satisfies POS system requirements and provides key enterprise system capabilities. 大众商品解决方案具有全面功能,满足POS系统要求,并且提供关键的企业系统功能。
- Joyo.com was established in 2000, offering online sales of various books, A/V products, software, toys &gifts, general merchandise, etc. 卓越网卓越网成立于2000年,为客户提供各类图书、音像、软件、玩具礼品、百货等商品。
- Within North America, Media was 61% of total sales, Electronics &General Merchandise (EGM) was 34% of the total, and Other revenue was 4%. 在北美,视听产品占61%25,电子类34%25,其它为4%25。
- The SOGO foundation of the Pacific Ocean general merchandise on November 11,1987, for a general merchandise business body which synthesizes a type. 太平洋百货SOGO创立于1987年11月11日,为一个综合型的百货事业体。