- The general meeting of shareholders was postponed for some reason. 表达。如:股东大会因故改期。
- general meeting of students 全校学生大会
- We discussed when the general meeting of the whole staff was to be held. 我们讨论了什么时候召开全体人员大会。
- They feared wigs on the green at the annual general meeting of shareholders. 他们害怕一年一度地股东大会上的激烈争吵。
- During the meeting of student representatives, one woman smashed a bottle. 在合一区学生代表的会议上。被一女人用矿泉水瓶砸了。
- Change in fund uses listed in the prospectus must be subject to the approval of the general meeting of shareholders. 改变招股说明书所列资金用途,必须经股东大会批准。
- The Annual General Meeting"means the Yearly General Meeting of the members of the Foundation. 理事会年会"指由基金理事会成员参加的每年召开一次的会议。
- The shareholders passed a new resolution on the Second General Meeting of Shareholders. 股东们在第二届股东大会上通过了一项新的决议。
- A general meeting of MA will be held at least once every semester, called and conducted by SB. 家长大会每学期召开一次,由理事会召集。
- The liquidation group of a company limited by shares is determined by a general meeting of the shareholders. 股份有限公司的清算组由股东大会确定其人选
- In 1879, Calvin Mateer went back to the United States to attend a general meeting of the Presbyterian Church. 1879年即光绪五年,他应邀返国去参加美国全国长老会的年会。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- He has called an extraordinary general meeting of MCA delegates to challenge his sacking. 他已召集了一次马华公会代表的特别会议,试图推翻对其革职的决定。
- Private schools regulate the behavior of students. 私立学校规范学生行为。
- She's different from the common run of students. 她跟一般学生不同。
- The Chairman of the Executive Committee and in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Foundation. 在基金会召开理事会会议时,如理事长未能出席,则副理事长将代其主持会议。
- Marching along the street is a group of students. 沿着街道行进的是一群学生。
- Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company will be held at the Bankers'Club on Mar. 日在银行家俱乐部召开,特此函告。
- The number of students absent is five. 有五名学生缺席。
- The supreme authority in the credit union is vested in the general meeting of members at which every member has a right to attend. 本社之最高权力为社员大会,凡属社员均有权出席。