- general fibonacci number 广义Fibonacci数
- Write a function to print the Fibonacci numbers. 写一个函数打印裴波纳契数。
- Fibonacci number is equivalent to extracting just one item from that potentially infinite list. Fibonacci数的计算相当于只是从可能的无穷列表中提取一项。
- While the calculator is busy computing a large Fibonacci number, notice that you can freely move the form around, minimize, maximize, and even dismiss it. 在计算器计算很大的斐波那契数列时,注意可以自由地移动窗体、最小化、最大化甚至关闭它。
- In this paper, an interesting property of Yang Hui triangle is discovered, it expounds a relation formula between Fibonacci number and binormial coeffcient. 揭示了杨辉三角的一个有趣性质,即它给出了Fibonacci数和二项式系数之间的一个关系式。
- generalized Fibonacci numbers 广义Fibonacci数
- The purpose of this paper is to establish relation between a kind of generalized Fibonacci sequences and Aitken transformation. 本文建立一类广义Fibonacci序列的比率与Aitken 变换的关系;
- The following code example demonstrates a ToolStripProgressBar that calculates a sequence of Fibonacci numbers. 下面的代码示例演示计算Fibonacci数列的ToolStripProgressBar。
- When you are through, you will have an application that computes Fibonacci numbers asynchronously. 演练时,将有一个异步计算斐波那契数列的应用程序。
- The electronic states in Thus-Morse chain (TMC) and generalized Fibonacci chain (GFC) are studied by solving eigenequation and using transfer matrix method. 本文利用解本征方程和迁移矩阵的方法研究了图厄-莫尔斯链(TMC)和广义菲波那契链(GFC)中的电子态。
- Fibonacci numbers at least have the virtue of creating a testable proposition; one that they appear to fail. 斐波纳契数的优点在于至少有可测试的主张;一个看起来错了的主张。
- Discuss earlier researches on such counting functions, as Fibonacci numbers, Catalan numbers and Stirling numbers. 早期对一些计数函数的研究是引入组合学研究方法的重要内容,如Fibonacci数、Catalan数和Stirling数等经典计数函数;
- All other lines are built on base of this unit interval according to Fibonacci Numbers. 根据斐波纳契数列,全部其他的线是在此单位间隔的基础上确定的。
- The time-consuming operation that will run in the background, which computes Fibonacci numbers, is called by one of these event handlers. 这些事件处理程序将调用在后台运行的计算斐波那契数列的耗时操作。
- In this paper, identities with 4 Fibonacci numbers were proved where the common difference of their subscripts is pn and p is prime. 证明了下标公差为pn的4个Fibonacci数的恒等式;其中p为素数.
- Fibonacci number of Dn and related graphs Dn及其相关图的斐波那契数
- The purpose of this paper is to establish another interesting relation between the hybrid ratios of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences and the Aitken, Secant, Newton Raphson and Halley transformations. 本文建立广义Fibonacci序列与Lucas序列之间的混合比率和Aitken ,Secant,Newton -Raphson和Halley变换的另一类巧妙联系
- According to the generalized Fibonacci series, the fractal dimention, Df(p,q)=lnN/2ln( ) is obtained for thecritical state, here p and q are the parameters relating to the human activity and the natural environment conditions. 根据广义Fibonacci数列;得到临界状态时的分形维数D_t(p;q)=In N/2ln;其中p、q是与人类活动、环境因素有关的参数.
- Fibonacci number of permutation and determinant 斐波那契数列与行列式
- Believers in Fibonacci numbers are part of a school known as technical analysis, or chartism, which believes the future movement of asset prices can be divined from past data. 斐波纳契数列的拥护者是技术分析中的一群,或信奉图表分析(Chartism)。他们相信资产价格未来的走势冥冥之中由过去的数据决定。