- Input-output Economy Equilibrium and General Equilibrium Price with a Continuum of Consumers 消费者连续统集合下一种投入产出经济的均衡和一般均衡价格
- general equilibrium price 一般均衡价格
- Foundation of the theory of general equilibrium balasko y. 一般均衡理论基础。
- Existence, uniqueness, and determinacy of a nonnegative equilibrium price vector in asset markets with general utility functions and an elliptical distribution. 计算数学,2004.;26(4);445-458
- To be effective,price ceiling must be set below the equilibrium price(Pe). 有效的价格上限必须定于均衡价格之下。
- Multisectoral general equilibrium model A computable general equilibrium model which covers several sectors. 跨行业总体平衡模型指覆盖几个行业的可计算的总体平衡模型。
- The equilibrium price is decided by game of argy bargy between maximum price and minimum price. 确定被收购企业可以接收的最低价格 .;实际的并购成交价格将通过双方讨价还价的搏弈;在两种价格之间达到均衡
- CGE model turns general equilibrium theory into a mathematics model that can be computed. CGE 模型将瓦尔拉斯的一般均衡理论由一个抽象的理论形式变为一个尽可能接近现实经济系统的可计算的数学模型。
- When the market price is below the equilibrium price, there is excess demand (shortage). 当市场价格低于均衡价格,便出现超额需求(短缺)。
- Shoven J B, Whalley J.Applying general equilibrium[M].Cambridge University Press. 王韬;陈平路.;税收可计算一般均衡模型的发展与应用[J]
- When the market price is above the equilibrium price, there is excess supply (surplus). 当市场价格高于均衡价格,便出现超额供应(剩馀)。
- We explain it with technology catch-up in a general equilibrium analysis, based on Ricardian and H-O model. 本文在传统的李嘉图模型和H-O模型的基础上,引入技术赶超(technology catch-up)的概念,建立了贸易和收入的一般均衡模型,从技术赶超的角度解释了贸易对收入差距的影响机制。
- Finally, this thesis constructs a computable general equilibrium model, analyzes the policy effects. 最后,论文建立了可计算一般均衡模型,定量测试所提出的政策建。
- In a general equilibrium model, a tax on a single factor in its use only in a particular sector can affect the returns to all factors in all sectors. 在一般均衡模型中,对仅在某一特定部门使用的某种要素课税,可能影响到所有部门的所有要素的收益。
- An efficient market should be capable of continuously taking in new information that affects market outlook and of moving quickly and smoothly to the new equilibrium price level. 有效率的市场应该可以不断吸收会影响市场前景的新资讯,然后很快便可畅顺地达致新的均衡价格水平。
- Chapter one analyzes the partial and general equilibrium theory of asset pricing, which includes MPT,CAPM,APT and CCAPM. 第一部分阐述了资产定价的均衡理论,分为局部均衡和一般均衡理论,局部均衡包括MPT、CAPM和APT等理论模型;
- But the equilibrium price induced by the overall learning behaviors reflects the true relationship of demand and supply, and reflects the market power as an "invisible hand". 但发电商全面学习所达到的均衡点价格反映了真实的市场供需关系,反映了市场作为“看不见的手”的调控作用。
- Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE), as a tool for quantitive policy analysis, has been proved to be considerably effective. 可计算一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium Model,CGE)已被证明是一个行之有效的定量化政策分析工具。
- The securities noise is not a rational information which makes the equilibrium price of stock drift off its internal price under the environment of information unsymmetry. 股市信息噪声是指在信息不对称情况下,导致股票均衡价格与其内在价值偏离的非理性信息。
- This study constructs a regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of China to analyze the impact of China's WTO accession on rural income. 一篇建立区域可计算一般均衡模型(cge)来分析中国入世对中国农村收入影响的论文,.