- general endocrine system 普通内分泌系统
- Endocrine System in Sports and Exercise, The. 运动内分。
- Endocrine Disruptor is the general narration of harmful chemical substance which affects and disturbs endocrine system of living beings. 环境激素是指影响和扰乱生物内分泌系统的有害化学物质的总称。
- Abstract: Endocrine Disruptor is the general narration of harmful chemical substance which affects and disturbs endocrine system of living beings. 文摘:环境激素是指影响和扰乱生物内分泌系统的有害化学物质的总称。
- Normal endocrine system promotes metabolism to burn fat. 正常的内分泌系统有助促进新陈代谢来帮助烧脂。
- Learning guide: Drugs acting on endocrine system comprise chapter 35-37. 学习导航:作用于内分泌系统的药物为第35-37章;
- Many in this movement point to a correspondence between the position and role of the Chakras, and those of the glands in the endocrine system. 这运动的多数指向内分泌系统中腺体的那些脉轮的位置和角色的一个东西。
- This organ is part of the immune system, as well as being part of the endocrine system. 这个器官是免疫系统的一部分,又是内分泌系统的一部分。
- Its complex interaction with the pituitary gland makes it an important part of the endocrine system. 与脑下垂体间有复杂的关系,所以下视丘也是内分泌系统的重要部分。
- The mechanism of the effects of spironolactone on the endocrine system is unclear. 其对内分泌系统的影响机制尚不清楚。
- Cordycepin is an activated material.It is helpful to endocrine system and nervous system. 虫草素是活性物质,对内分泌系统和神经系统有帮助。
- The results suggested that the function of endocrine system was disturbed in workers exposed to CS2. 本研究表明,现有接触水平对男工内分泌系统功能已造成一定损害。
- He has had several medical examinations carried out which suggest he may h**e a problem with his endocrine system. 目前,这名“巨婴”已接受了几项医学检测,检查结果显示他的内分泌系统可能有些问题。
- Pituitary gland (or hypophysis ):Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the Brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。
- Pituitary gland (or hypophysis ):Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。
- Pituitary gland (or hypophysis ): Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system. 脑下垂体:位于脑下方的内分泌腺体。对内分泌系统的调节起重要作用。
- They have caught the skeleton behaving as part of the endocrine system, the scheme by which the body uses hormones to signal its needs. 他们得知骨架是内分泌系统(躯体用激素来表达所需的系统)的一部分。
- Cui Wei, Qiang Sheng, X.Z.Gao, "The Theory and Applications of The Artificial Endocrine System", Chinese Control Conference. Harbin, August 7-11, 2006. 崔嵬,强盛,高晓智,人工内分泌系统研究及应用,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2006年增刊.
- In recent years, scientists have been concerned for disrupting effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive and endocrine system. 近年来,环境化学物的生殖内分泌干扰效应日益引起学术界的关注。
- Scientists have become generally aware of the disadvantageous influence of environmental estrogens on the endocrine system of the animals. 环境雌激素对动物内分泌系统的干扰作用引起人们广泛关注。