- A general comment on testing is worth emphasizing. 关于测试,这里有必要强调一下一般性的注意事项。
- The Delegation wished to make a general comment on the issue. 该代表团希望就此发表一般性评论。
- Cooperation and Negotiation--A General Comment on Questions Against CP. 合作与协调--评对格赖斯合作原则的质疑。
- The last part is a general comment on Cardozo’s thinking, and an analysis of its impact. 最后部分是对卡多佐思想的一个总的评述,对卡多佐思想对美国司法改革的影响做一个分析。
- The general comment on isotopes should be carefully read before interpreting iso-tope values. 在阐述同位素值之前需要仔细阅读关同位素的概述。
- For the first volume, we have general comment, worship comment, strengthen from inside, and picture for the twelve momentums. 上卷有总论、膜论、内壮论、十二势图等。
- The last chapter is a general comment on the disposition of Stravinsky"s music under the instruction of aesthetics on the basis of the three chapters above. 第六部分是在第三、四、五部分研究总结的基础上对斯特拉文斯基音乐创作美学指引下所产生的独特气质做出总结性评价。
- General comments: do not make the wrong point, how can sidelights topic? 总评:不犯点错,怎能有花絮话题呢?
- With an interesting general comment 以一能引起兴趣的话头开始
- The General Comment of the Study on Shi Runzhang 施闰章研究综述
- General comment on folklore of East Hubei 鄂东民俗概论
- General comment on fruit cultivation 果树栽培学总论
- It is not within the scope of this chapter to engage in a polemic discussion; however, a few general comments may not be out of place here. 关于这个问题的争论,原不属本章所叙述的范围之内,但就此略加评论,也井非离题。
- Please give general comments which may be of assistance in assessing the applicant. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. 请写出对申请人之评语以供甄别参考。如有需要请另纸书写附上。
- Not being equipped to discuss General von Roon's peculiar geopolitics, I will make one or two general comments and then get to the battle. 我不准备讨论冯·隆将军独出心裁的地缘政治学,对此我只提出一两点一般性的批评,然后谈谈那次战役。
- Provide succinct, general comments about what your firm has to offer, perhaps in an easy-to read bullet-point format, as shown in the sample letter. 提供关于你公司产品的简明、概括的评论,可以使用示例信函所示的易于阅读的项目符号格式。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。