- The Delphi Data Structure Generic Class Library. 范型数据结构类库
- Generic class provide last-in-first-out lists. 类提供后进先出列表。
- This example is typical of a general class of systems which are amenable to analysis by graph theory means. 这个例子适于用图论方法进行分析的一般类型的系统的典型。
- The Circle class is derived from the general class Shape, and the Cylinder class is derived from the Circle class. Circle类是从通用类Shape派生的,Cylinder类是从Circle类派生的。
- The DOAP schema defines a Repository class, a general class used to describe source code repositories. DOAP模式定义了一个Repository类,这是用于描述源代码资料库的一个通用类。
- This list should include each general class of failure and the expected recovery time objective (RTO). 该列表应包括每种常规类故障以及预期的恢复时间目标(RTO)。
- These second order questions of normative legal theory are a subclass of the more general class of second order questions of moral and ethical theory. 这些规范法理论的二阶问题是更为一般的的道德与伦理理论的二阶问题的的子类。
- A number of general classes fo insurance can be identified. 为数众多的普通类型的保险可以归为一类。
- The Stack class and the Stack generic class offer LIFO access. Stack类和Stack泛型类提供LIFO访问。
- A class defined in this way is called a generic class. 通过这种方式定义的类称为泛型类。
- Hierarchical relationship. Class hierarchies are useful when describing items that are a subtype of a more general class. 当描述作为更常规类的子类型的项时,类层次结构非常有用。
- This paper presents and proves a sufficient condition of the invertibility of a general class of dynamic systems, which are represented by input-output differential equations. 阐述和证明了基于输入输出微分方程描述的系统可逆性的充分条件,并给出了相应的解析逆系统的实现方法。
- At the end of the course you will be graded on your four essays, short writing exercises, oral presentations and general class and section attendance/participation. 期末将以四篇论文,短篇写作练习,口头报告和共同课程及分组课程的出席率及课堂参与作为成绩计算标准。
- Naked type constraints can also be used in generic class definitions. 裸类型约束还可以在泛型类定义中使用。
- You can access a generic class indirectly using a nongeneric base interface. 您可以使用非泛型基接口间接访问泛型类。
- Two general classes of eye movements have been distinguished: Conjugate eye movements and vergence eye movements. 两个眼球运动的一般分类已经很清楚了:共轭眼球运动和转斜眼球运动。
- The thesis contraposethe existing problem in the respect of assess for physical educational student in general class, carry through some innovation in content and form and measure of assess. 针对目前体育教育专业普修课学生成绩考核中存在的问题,在考核内容、形式和方法上进行改革。
- Not metaphorically like a computer, but that matter and energy are forms of information processing of the same general class as the type of information processing that goes on inside a Macintosh. 不是比喻意义上的电脑,而是以物质与能量为形式的、与苹果电脑里采用的级别大体相同的信息加工类型。
- A general class discussion will take place after each team has presented its position, and students not chosen to make formal presentations should direct questions to the different debaters. 在每组表明其立场后,将开始广泛的班上讨论,同时,未被选择做正式发表的同学应向不同的辩论者提出问题。
- These stubs are provided by the generated classes, which are created by tools. 这些存根是由生成的类提供的,它们是由工具创建的。