- general calling key 全体呼叫电键
- To meet the needs of the war a general call for troops was issued. 为了满足战争的需要,发动了扩充军队的号召。
- The police have put out a general call to the public. 警察局向群众发出通知。
- At a last effort, the general called down heavy bombing on the enemy position. 将军作最后一次努力,下令猛烈轰炸敌军阵地。
- The general called up reinforcements. 将军调来了增援部队。
- After making a general call,we should follow it up with concrete guidance. 继一船号召之后,还应当给予具体指导。
- Uninhibited Data Sharing Called Key To Improving Airline Safety. 无约束数据共享是改进航空公司安全的关键。
- After making a general call, we should follow it up with concrete guidance. 继一船号召之后,还应当给予具体指导。
- Morrell would not confirm that, but said Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling key members of Congress to tell them what is what's in the draft and ask for their support. 我认为,国防部长只有在确信美军在伊拉克的安全后,才会在电话中表示自己支持该文件内容。
- Morrell) would not confirm that, but said Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling key members of Congress to tell them what's in the draft and ask for their support. Morrell并没有对此进行证实,但他指出,国防部长盖茨正致电关键国会议员,告诉他们草案的内容,并寻求他们的支持。
- Morrell would not confirm that, but sent said Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling key members of Congress to tell them what's in the draft and ask for their support. 莫瑞尔不能证实这一消息是否属实,但他表示,国防部长罗伯特盖茨同几个主要国会议员进行了通话,告知草案的内容,并寻求他们的支持。
- Morrell would not confirm that, but said Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling key members of Congress to tell them what's in the draft and ask for their support. 并没有确认这一消息,但指出国防秘书长RG正召集国会的主要成员告知他草案的内容并取得他们的支持。
- Morrell will would not confirm that, but said Defense Secretary Robert Gates is calling key members of Congress to tell them what's in the draft and ask for their support. 莫瑞尔不能证实这一消息是否属实,但他表示,国防部长罗伯特盖茨同几个主要国会议员进行了通话,告知草案的内容,并寻求他们的支持。
- Unique constraints are also called keys. 唯一约束也称为键。
- The King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery. 国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。
- At a last effort,the general called down heavy bombing on the enemy position. 将军作最后一次努力,下令猛烈轰炸敌军阵地。
- Wang Ping: The fans generally called him "Old Shi". 王平: 球迷们亲切地称呼洋教练: “老施”。
- Haws are generally called "hongguo" in Tianjin. 山楂在天津俗称红果。
- To prove his point, the Air Force general calls over an airman: "Airman! 为了证明他的观点, 空军将军叫来一名空军: "空军!
- For example, real-estate data might have a column called KEY, reflecting the key box placed on houses for sale. 例如,房地产数据可能会包含一个名为KEY的列,它用来反映放置在待售房屋上的钥匙箱。