- We also discuss the solutions of the general m x n fuzzy linear system and inconsistent fuzzy linear system. 对一般的m×n模糊线性系统和不相容模糊线性系统也进行了研究。
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- As a general m ethod, the scheme has major theoretic value and wide application for predicting of the nonlinear time series. 该方法具有通用性,在各种非线性时序预测中具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
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- When Michael Jordan successfully returned to the game last year,the original M.J.felt somewhat wistful. 当飞人乔丹去年成功地重返赛场时,老招牌的魔术师约翰逊也忍不住跃跃欲试。
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- The general directed that the prisoners should be set free. 将军下令释放犯人。