- Gene fusion is a kind of promising method in bio technology, which is v ery important both in theory and practice. 基因融合是生物技术领域大有发展前景的一类方法,其理论和实践意义重大。
- The principles, operation and applications of site-directed mutagenesis, gene fusion technology, and post-translational modification methods were introduced emphatically. 着重阐述了基因定点突变技术、基因融合技术和翻译修饰技术等新兴定点固定化技术的原理、特点和操作。
- Subsequent DNA sequencing showed that the gene fusion involved exon 7 of EWS and exon 8 of WT1 genes. The fusion gene contained KTS sequence. RTPCR检测出EWSWT1融合性mRNA,测序结果显示由EWS基因的7号外显子与WT1基因的8号外显子融合所产生,融合性基因含有KTS序列。
- We have fused lac structure gene into mer of plasmid R100.1 by means of Mudl (Apr lac) phage, and got 47 strains of mer-lac gene fusion. 利用Mud1(Ap~rlac)噬菌体将lac结构基因融合到质粒R100.;1的汞基因(mer)中;得到了47株mer-lac基因融合菌株。
- Yeast cells secrete some enzymes into the medium, and gene fusion can be used to attach SCP to these enzymes inside the cell. 酵母细胞会往培养基中分泌一种酶,基因重组技术能用于将SCP蛋白与细胞内的这种酶连接。
- One of the more extensively used systems for the expression and purification of recombinant proteins is the Glutathione-S-Transferase(GST)Gene Fusion System. 一个比较广泛应用于重组蛋白表达和纯化的系统是:谷胱甘酞转移酶基因融合表达系统.
- The principles,operation and applications of site-directed mutagenesis,gene fusion technology,and post-translational modification methods were introd... 最后,对生物功能催化膜的研究方向进行了展望。
- The abnormal gene fusion associated with prostate cancer occurs when one of two genes, ERG or ETV1, merges with a prostate-specific gene called TMPRSS2. 当ERG或ETV1两种基因其中的一个与前列腺癌特异性基因TMPRSS2合并在一起时,这种基因融合就伴随着前列腺肿瘤的产生。
- Statistical Study on the law of gene fusion 基因融合规律的统计研究
- Processes of creating new genes using preexisting genes as the raw materials are well characterized, such as exon shuffling, gene duplication, retroposition, gene fusion, and fission. 长期以来,新基因被认为主要由重复基因分化产生,而从头起源如果不是没有的事件,那也是十分稀少的事件。
- We describe 2 cases of malignant melanotic epithelioid renal neoplasms bearing TFE3 gene fusions. 我们描述了2例发生TFE3基因融合的恶性黑色素性上皮样肾肿瘤。
- Colin Collins looked at genotypes of TMPRSS2-ERG+/- gene fusions for incorporation into his model to improve the accuracy of predicting progression. Colin Collins观察到把TMPRSS2-ERG+/-融合基因整合到他的模型中,发现提高了预测程序的正确性。
- Before this discovery, it was thought that gene fusions only occurred in blood cancers, such as leukemias and lymphomas, but not in common solid tumors such as prostate cancer. 在此之前,基因融合被人们认为是仅仅发生在血液肿瘤中(如白血病或淋巴瘤),而非通常的实体瘤(如前列腺肿瘤)。
- Keywords human sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter 2;gene fusion;kidney; 人钠/二羧基转运蛋白2;基因融合;肾;
- Expression of fusion gene in transfected COS 7 cells was justified. 重组质粒转染COS 7细胞后经检测证实 ;该融合基因能在真核细胞中表达 .
- The GRA7 gene may be expressed as a GST fusion protein in E. coli. GRA7基因在大肠埃希菌中以GST融合蛋白的形式得到表达。
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- High efficiency expression and purification of lipopolysaccharide respond gene fusion protein 脂多糖应激新分子融合蛋白的高表达及纯化
- Gene Fusion of Enterotoxigenic Escherkhia colt Heat-Stable Enterotoxin and Heat-Labile Enterotoxin B Subunit 人毒素原性大肠杆菌肠毒素ST、LT-B基因的融合