- Adult erotic behavior, just like gender role behavior, also follows a script or rather a combination of scripts. 正如性别角色行为一样,成人的性欲行为也遵循着脚本或更准确地说遵循着多种脚本的整合脚本而发展。
- Attitude of Gender Role is the male or female role behaviors by the attitude that the male or female in the acquired as a socio-cultural view of gender roles for the development of the cause. 性别角色态度是对于男性或女性相应的角色行为表现所持的一种态度,即对于男性或女性在后天社会文化中所形成的性别角色的看法、感受与评价。
- One who takes on the gender role of the opposite sex. 变性者扮作异性角色的人
- Indeed, gender role insecurity can and does also affect a couple’s erotic behavior. 的确,性别角色的不安全感能够也确实影响着夫妻的性欲行为。
- The taking on of the gender role of the opposite sex. 变性扮演异性的角色
- Your gender role is the public expression of your gender identity. 你的性别角色是你的性别身份的公共表达。
- Research question: Does gender role orientation affect team members evaluations of team schemas? 研究的问题:心理性别角色定向影响团队成员对团队图式的评价吗?
- Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors. 文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。
- A person of male sex may adopt the feminine gender role and even a feminine gender identity. 一个生物上的男性,被当作女性的性别角色教养,甚至于当作女性性别身份教养。
- As we grow up, most of us naturally fit into our gender roles. 当我们逐渐成长,性别自然而然的让我们成为不同的角色。
- Teachers should reconsider unceasingly about their own management idea, standardize their own role behavior, and enhance their own management capacity. 因此教师应不断反思白己的管理理念,规范白己的角色行为,提高自己的管理能力。
- Researchers theorize that this is because of the traditional gender role of women as caregivers. 研究者认为这是因为女性一直以来承担的是照顾者的责任。
- A person of male sex who has adopted the masculine gender role may very well develop a homosexual orientation. 一个被抚养成男性性别角色的生物上的男性,非常有充分的理由发展成同性恋的性取向。
- Organizational managers should be cognizant of the potential positive effects of gender role orientation in fostering a range of team schemas. 组织管理者应该认识到性别角色定向对团队图式形成的潜在影响。
- Of interest in the present study, however, is the relation of gender role orientation, grounded in either gender or self-schemas, to team schemas. 然而本研究的所关注的是,根植于性别图式或自我图式理论上的性别角色定向对团队图式的影响。
- Gender role orientation had a significiant effect on the composite set of team schema indictators as shown by the omnibus MANOVA test. 通过多项MANOVA测试,性别角色定向对系列团队图式指标具有显著影响。
- Mixed-gender team members with varied gender role orientations may understand and evaluate the process of teamwork very differently. 各种不同心理性别角色定向的团队成员,在理解和评价团队工作过程中会有很大不同。
- Tolbert, is that too many people still cling to outdated gender roles. 研究人员说,原因仍众说纷纭。
- KITT:I am researching the delineation of gender roles in the classic western. 凯特:我在研究西方名著中关于性别角色的描写。
- In conclusion, the gender role types of college students had close relationship with the quality of cross-gender intercommunication. 这表明大学生的性别角色与两性交往质量密切相关,双性化个体在一般与亲密两性交往中占有一定优势。