- I do support professor Ho, her freedom of gender studies. 我支持何教授从事性别研究的自由。
- With most of the energy in gender studies currently focused on girls, Harvard will look initially at males. 鉴于目前的性别研究大都将女性作为重点对象,哈佛将把重点放在男孩身上。
- With most of the energy in gender studies currently focused on girls,Harvard will look initially at males. 鉴于目前的性别研究大都将女性作为重点对象,哈佛将把重点放在男孩身上。
- When he's not writing, he teaches anthropology and gender studies in Las Vegas, NV. 写作之余,他还在内华达州拉斯维加斯市教授人类学和性研究学。
- This model has been widely applied in women and gender studies, because it offers a strategy of subversion against phallogocentrism. 这模式已被广泛地应用在女性与性别研究上,因为它提供了一套反叛策略去对抗阳物中心主义。
- Professor of rhetoric and comparative literature at UC Berkeley, muse of the queer movement, Judith Butler is one of the foremost theorists of Gender Studies. 茱蒂丝.巴特勒,当红的后结构女性主义者、酷儿理论学者。犹太人,现任柏克莱大学比较文学系主任。
- Connell has contributed to gender studies based on her assessment of crisis in masculinity as it occurs in the process of globalization despite regional differences. 康奈尔还从全球化、地理差异、男性气概的危机趋势等方面对社会性别的研究做出了重要贡献。
- It offers coursework and research opportunities with an inter-disciplinary team of faculty members. It provides students with a broad-based education in traditional academic disciplines while specializing in gender studies. 为求提供一个具广泛基础的性别研究课程及学习的机会,本课程由不同学系的老师任教,除教授不同的学科,亦提供论文指导。
- The courses provide students with basic theoretical and methodological tools in gender studies, as well as an understanding of cutting-edge issues related to gender in the contemporary world. 课程教授性别研究中的基本理论及方法工具,并对一系列当代性别问题进行剖析。
- The minority women's studies as a discipline has absorbed new research methods like gender studies and produced quite a few scholastic publications with an orientation of localization. 在这一背景之下,少数民族妇女研究的论文和专著不断面世,少数民族妇女学的学科建设正在稳步推进,并在积极进行着本土化的尝试。
- Nor in Gender Studies List of Course Offered in 2005-06 性别研究本科生副修课程2005-06年度科目
- Neither masculine nor feminine in gender. 中性的既非阳性也非阴性的
- New Visual Angles of Language and Gender Study 语言与性别研究的新视角
- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。
- He studies more diligently than his friend. 他比他的朋友更勤奋地学习。
- He made rapid progress in his studies. 他学习上进步很快。
- He is a naturalist who studies animals and plants. 他是个研究动植物的博物学家。
- In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender. 法语中形容词必须在数和性上与名词一致。
- She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。
- The warm weather seduced me away from my studies. 暖和的天气诱使我放下了学习。