- The gender gap has been trending down. 不同性别之间待遇的差别有减小的趋势。
- During the past century, we've made huge strides in dosing the workplace gender gap. 在过去的一个世纪,我们在工作场所消除性别差异方面取得了很大的进展。
- In contrast, the famous "gender gap,"the difference in the vote between men and women, is just 11 points. 与之形成对比的是,著名的“性别差异”,也就是男性和女性投票时的差异却只有11%25。
- Women are half as likely as men to be involved in start-ups in the UK - a wider gender gap than in the US and Germany. 在英国,女性创业率是男性的一半。这一性别差距比美国和德国都要大。
- The gender gap has widened when it comes to hygiene, according to the latest stakeout by the "hand washing police. 据“洗手警察”的最新“监测”结果,男女在讲卫生方面的性别差距扩大。
- Today, that gender gap has reversed.Male happiness has inched up, and female happiness has dropped. 今天,这种性别的差距已经被扭转,男性幸福指数高涨,而女性幸福感已然下降。
- According to the latest stakeout by the "hand washing police”, the gender gap has widened when it comes to hygiene. 根据最新的“洗手警察”的监视调查,当涉及到卫生问题时,性别差异会更加的大。
- A particularly large gender gap among African-Americans, who make up about 11 percent of the nation's undergraduate population, also contributes to the skew. 黑人大学生占全国大学生人数的11%25,他们中男女生人数上特别大的差距更促进了全国大学生中男女生人数上的倾斜。
- But researchers say, by the time they get to high school, they are victims of what the researchers call a major new gender gap in technology. 但是研究者称,当她们进入高中之后,她们就成了研究者所谓的“科技性别新差异”的受害者。
- The free-time gender gap mainly reflects the gap in employed women's free time,an average 32.8 hours a week,compared with employed men's free time,an average 38.9 hours a week. 空闲时间的性别差距主要反映在女性雇员和男性雇员休闲时间方面的差异,女性为平均每周32.;8小时,而男性为38
- A particularly large gender gap among African-Americans,who make up about 11 percent of the nation's undergraduate population,also contributes to the skew. 黑人大学生占全国大学生人数的11%25,他们中男女生人数上特别大的差距更促进了全国大学生中男女生人数上的倾斜。
- The free-time gender gap mainly reflects the gap in employed women's free time, an average 32.8 hours a week, compared with employed men's free time, an average 38.9 hours a week. 空闲时间的性别差距主要反映在女性雇员和男性雇员休闲时间方面的差异,女性为平均每周32.;8小时,而男性为38
- The concepts of male and female therefore are not set apart, forever divided by a gender gap, but are viewed as two polarities that meet and merge in every human being. 从而,这种男性和女性的观念并不是分离,永远有一个性缺口,而是看作每一个人里面的两种极性相遇和融合。
- From the beginning the program was controversial, criticized for boosting abortions, sterilizations and infanticide.It is also blamed for China's gender gap. 从政策推广以来一直是有争议的,有些人们谴责堕胎,绝育及杀婴数量的增加,而且也指责中国的性别差异。
- Mike Shallcross, the deputy editor of Men's Health magazine, explains the gender gap by saying that women have a much healthier relationship with their bodies. 还有一点可以为男人辩护:女人更容易从工作中脱身去赴医生的预约。
- Inability to read and write properly at primary school is fuelling an "anti-education culture" among boys, the study adds, and the gender gap widens throughout their education. 报道指出,在小学阶段,不能正确地读写,加剧了男孩间“反教育文化”的形成,同时这种性别间的差异贯穿了他们的学习生涯。
- Professor Niederle of Stanford was convinced that the gender gap wasn't due mainly to women's insecurities about their abilities, but to different appetites for competition. 斯坦福大学的尼德勒教授认为性别之间的差距并不是因为女性对自己的能力没有信心,而是因为男女的竞争欲不同。
- Fonda recognises the gender gap and challenged Harvard to do something about the state of affairs that predicted female success on compromise and conformity. 方达认识到了性别差异,她呼吁哈佛研究一下为何人们理所当然地认为女孩子容易妥协和顺从。
- Since women stepped into the majority on campuses in 1979, the college gender gap has widened at virtually every type of school: large and small, public and private, two-year and four-year. 1979年女生开始在高校里成为多数,从那时起,大学里男女生人数上的差距事实上在各种类型的学校里都已经扩大了:无论规模大的和规模小的、公立的和私立的、两年制和四年制的。
- While some Republicans loudly assert that the gender gap is a nasty Democratic fiction,both Republicans and Democrats are studying,discussing and interpreting why the vice president just can't seem to strike it hot with women. 虽然有些共和党人强调性别隔阂是民主党恶意捏造的,可是共和党人跟民主党人都在研究、讨论和解释何以副总统得不到妇女支持。