- And after something like this they dare ban gay pride parades? 在经历过这种事之后,他们还敢禁止同志游行吗?
- FEW years ago, a Gay Pride parade passed The Simpsons' house in Springfield. 几年前,同性恋游行途经春田市的辛普森家。游行队伍当时高喊:“我们在游行!
- But what gay pride would be complete without a bunch of hot and sweaty homos? 试问哪一个完美的同志骄傲活动没有一群性感和甜美的同志呢?
- When a political bigwig comes visiting, for example.During public festivals, processions, the rare gay pride march. 在大人物出行的场合,街上挤满了警察,另外在节庆日、示威活动或者同性恋游行的场合也到处都充斥着警察的身影。
- Even queers sometimes yell too thoughtlessly for gay pride, as if having a sexual preference is something of which to be proud. 但是在一些对同性恋友好的人们的眼里我们同样也是龌龊和不正当的,只是从恶魔的称号转为时髦的怪物。
- Sderot, Israel, June 8, 2009--A student dances in foam during a street party marking the start of a gay pride festival at Sapir College. 2009年6月8日,以色列,斯德洛特---在萨丕尔学院的同性恋自豪日的开幕街头聚会上,一名学生在泡沫中跳舞。
- The Mayor of my town, who is a devout Catholic, refused to sign the proclamation after the city council passed the Gay Pride Day resolution over his objection. 我所居住的城市的市长为一名虔诚的天主教徒,虽然市议会在他反对下仍通过同性恋日法案,但他也拒绝签署有关声明。
- On Sunday, Ms.Atkinson and staff members were at a gay pride celebration in Sonoma handing out applications for marriage licenses to prospective newlyweds. 周一,在索那玛县举行的同性恋庆祝活动中,阿特金森小姐为打算结婚的新人们颁发了结婚证书。
- The gay pride gatherings that proliferate each June around the world trace their roots to the June 1969 riots following a police raid on New York City's Stonewall Inn bar. 全世界这样的同性恋自豪日的集会在每年的六月都会激增,追诉其根源,是1969年6月警察突袭纽约市的石墙酒吧后随之而来的骚乱。
- In what could be called a gay pride parade in its own right, flight after flight took off from Beijing Capital Airport headed to Shanghai filled with the queerest of Beijing's queers. 同志骄傲大游行已然开始,一波接一波的北京同志前往首都机场飞向上海。
- His Achilles' heel was his pride. 他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。
- The gay package is only for dandy. 这种鲜艳的包装只是为了美观。
- I can not but be gay in such a jocund company. 我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐。
- The new car was the pride of the whole family. 新汽车是全家人引以自豪之物。
- You should take more pride in your appearance. 你应该多注意一点仪表。
- Picnics were popular in the gay nineties. 在1890年至1900年间野餐很流行。
- I take pride in running with these great men. 我很荣幸与这些大人物交往。
- America celebrates Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. 美国庆祝一年一度的同志骄傲月。
- The package was tied with gay ribbons. 包裹用色彩鲜艳的丝带捆扎好。
- It's a civic pride to have a champion. 拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。