- There is a big gay community in San Francisco. 在旧金山有一个很大的同性恋社区。
- The report assesses the impact of Aids on the gay community. 这个报告评估了艾滋病对同性恋群体的影响。
- The heart of Manchester's lively gay community lies canalside. 曼彻斯特活跃的同性恋社交圈的中心就位于运河边上。
- I do not think their aim was ever to accurately recreate the Pittsburgh gay community. 我不认为他们的目的是要真实地重现匹兹堡同志群体的生活。
- I don't think their aim was ever to accurately recreate the Pittsburgh gay community. 我不认为他们的目的是要真实地重现匹兹堡同志群体的生活。
- Let's face it; the gay community is a very segregated and superficial environment. 让我们直面吧:同志群体的环境是非常封闭浅薄的。
- Club drugs such as GBL, a new favourite with Brighton's big gay community, claim the odd victim. 俱乐部毒品如GBL(布莱顿最大的同志社区的新宠)造就了这个古怪的牺牲品。
- Prevention in the gay community has also been difficult because of traditional stigmas against homosexuality. 同性恋群体的预防工作也非常困难,因为传统上对同性恋的歧视。
- In the darkest days during the first decade of the epidemic, more than half of San Francisco's gay community was HIV-positive. 在黑暗的日子里,在头十年的流行病超过半数美国旧金山的同性恋社区艾滋病毒抗体阳性。
- Angry crowds thronged the streets in central West Hollywood, the heart of Los Angeles' gay community, chanting slogans and waving signs. 愤怒的抗议者恋聚集区西好莱坞中心的街道上,他们挥舞着标语、高喊口号,以示抗议。
- Not only openly admired by well-known celebrities around the world, she was also labeled as the gay icon among the gay community... 大意是菲她不仅公开的被遍及世界的许多名人所欣赏;她也在同志群体中被标记为同志偶像.
- The strategy worked in San Francisco, because its gay community was sophisticated enough to accept the differentiations. 这种策略在旧金山推行,因为同性恋团体富有足够的经验,能够区别各种冒险性行为的差别。
- You know I'm beginning to think the only place where one can still find love and romance in New York is the gay community . It's straight lovethat's become closeted. 我认为在纽约唯一还能找到爱和浪漫的地方就是同性恋圈了。异性恋反而成了异端。
- They joined other same-sex couples at California's first-ever gay wedding expo, which included tuxedos, wedding rings, cakes and florists, all catering to the gay community. 他们和其他同性恋夫妇一起参加加利福尼亚历史上第一个同性恋婚礼盛会,他们为同性恋社区提供了男士晚礼服,结婚戒指,蛋糕和花匠。
- In Manhattan, the borough president, Ruth Messinger, worked hard for me, as did her young aide, Marty Rouse, who helped me make inroads into the gay community. 在曼哈顿区,区长露丝.;梅辛杰卖力地为我拉选票,她年轻的助手马蒂
- According to chemical analyses, bacteria are spreading among the gay communities of San Francisco and Boston, the researchers said. 研究者们说,按照化学分析细菌在圣弗朗西斯科和波士顿的同性恋者间传播。
- The gay package is only for dandy. 这种鲜艳的包装只是为了美观。
- I can not but be gay in such a jocund company. 我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐。
- Picnics were popular in the gay nineties. 在1890年至1900年间野餐很流行。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。