- The gas reservoirs were mainly formed in Himalayan Time. 气藏主要形成于喜马拉雅期。
- Most low permeability gas reservoirs belong to deformed media. 摘要大部分低渗透气藏属于变形介质。
- Its sulfur deposition badly affects the production of such a gas reservoir. 硫沉积现象严重影响了这类气藏的开发。
- Tectonic action and oil?gas reservoir forming in Neogene of Jiyang Depression. 构造作用与济阳坳陷上第三系油气成藏
- It is reported that there are plentiful oil and gas reservoir off our coast. 我国沿海有丰富的油气藏。
- Presents a gasbed identification method for log permeable gas reservoir. 介绍适用于低渗透气藏的气层判识方法;
- It is estimated that about half of the carbonate oil and gas reservoirs in North America are in dolomite. 据估计,北美的碳酸盐岩油气藏有一半是在白云岩内。
- Characteristics and pool forming pattern of oil and gas reservoirs in Yanqi bas in. 焉耆盆地油气藏特征与成藏模式
- It is set up trinomial equation for fractured well on low-permeability gas reservoirs based on percolation mechanics. 文章从渗流力学基本理论出发,建立了低渗透气藏压裂井三项式产能方程。
- Pore deformation of low-permeability gas reservoirs is characteristic of elastic plastic deformation. 低渗透气藏孔隙变形具有弹塑性变形的特征。
- The surplus pressure of gas reservoirs decreases along with increasing burial depth in the overpressure zones. 在超压带中,气藏的剩余压力随深度的增加而减小。
- Unconformity surface and sandbody transported gas to surrounding ancient uplifts and formed gas reservoirs. 不整合面和砂体将天然气输导到四周古隆起上聚集成藏。
- The percolation mechanism of low permeability reservoirs differs a lot from that of conventional gas reservoirs. 由于低渗气藏一般具有低孔低渗的特点,所以其渗流机理与普通气藏相差很大。
- Optimal selection of reserve parameters is the key to calculate the reserves of litho-logic gas reservoirs. 计算岩性气藏储量关键是选择好计算储量的参数。
- The extracted gas reservoirs can provide voluminous pore spaces for CO2 storage prior to flooding by formation waters. 一方面,接近枯竭的气田在没有地层水入侵之前具有巨大的埋存能力,为CO2提供巨大的埋存空间;
- AKKURT P,GUILLIRY A J.NMR logging of natural gas reservoirs[C].36th SPWLA,Paper N 1995. 肖立志;等.;核磁共振测井资料解释与应用导论[M]
- Petroleum system dominates the geographic distribution of natural gas reservoirs. 含油气系统控制了天然气藏的地理分布;
- Tight gas reservoirs usually have high content of irreducible water, but some gas wells also produce water. 致密气藏一般束缚水含量高,但不少气井仍可产出水,这种现象很难解释。
- The gas reservoirs in the Lower Shihezi Formation of Sulige gas field are typical lithological reservoirs. 苏里格气田下石盒子组气藏为典型的岩性气藏,其分布主要受岩性控制,具有较强的隐蔽性。
- Watering out of gas wells influences the deliverability of gas wells and the recovery of gas reservoirs severely. 摘要地层出水会直接导致气井产能的损失与气藏采收率的降低,也会给气藏的开发带来严重的不利影响。