- The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps. 燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。
- AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSOR, A type of compressor used in a gas turbine engine in which air passes through the compressor in a straight flow, front to rear. 轴流压缩机,一种用于燃气涡轮发动机内的压气机。空气由发动机的前部轴向流人,压缩后,由后部流出。
- The gas turbine using a low caloric value gas, which is suitable for iron and steel plants, has both single and multi tube type burner. 适合钢铁厂低热值煤气燃气轮机有单筒燃烧器和多筒燃烧器二种类型。
- Only few public buildings adopt Gas Turbine Cogeneration. 有少数公共建筑采用燃气轮机热电联产系统.
- A new concept is proposed,under which by utilizing a proven simple-cycle marine gas turbine a type of intercooling-cycle high-power marine gas turbine has been derived. 提出利用成熟的简单循环船用燃气轮机将其派生为一型间冷循环大功率船用燃气轮机的新构想,并且原发动机燃气发生器的通流部分和结构大部分保持不变,以继承原机的可靠性。
- Based on practical equipment, the cooling principle and operation mode of the cooling air system for M701F type gas turbine manufactured by Mitsubishi Coperation in Japan have been presented. 根据实际设备,介绍了日本三菱公司M701F型燃气轮机冷却空气系统的冷却原理和运行方式。
- For the problem of interval-valued weights in selection of water turbine type, a method based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) is proposed. 摘要针对水轮机选型中指标权重为区间数的问题,提出基于数据包络分析的选型方法。
- Taking GE Frame 6B type gas turbine under meteological condition in one regiion as example, a calculation has been made,and results of economic analysis for different schemes being given. 以某地区气象条件下GE Frame 6B型燃气轮机为例进行了计算,给出了不同方案的经济分析结果。
- At Shengli Gubei Thermoelectricity Plant, the gas turbine unit has been unused due to natural gas shortage. 摘要胜利石油管理局电力管理总公司孤北热电厂,担负着黄河以北油田工业生产、居民生活的部分用电负荷的发供电任务。
- Cutaway of the PW 4000112-in(284.48cm) gas turbine engine ,showing fan bypass section. 涡轮发动机剖面图,展示风扇旁路部分。
- The task of hydraulic turbine type design, is to dec ide the main property parameter and the structure control parameter, to finish the design of the pipeline of hydraulic turbine. 水轮机选型设计的任务是确定水轮机的主要性能参数和结构控制参数,完成水轮机的流道设计。
- GE Aircraft Engines is a world leader in the design, manufacture and servicing of gas turbine engines. ge 飞机发动机集团在燃气涡轮发动机的设计、产及维修方面处于世界领先地位。
- Prime mover qualifying symbol. Gas turbine or reciprocating engine can be specified. 原动机限定符号。可指定燃气轮机或往复式发动机。
- Test Method for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels by Atomic Absorption and Flame Emission Spectroscopy (05. 用原子吸收和喷焰光谱法测定燃气涡轮机燃料中痕量金属的试验方法(05。
- Whirlpool Qibeng the impeller similar large gas turbines impeller. 漩涡气泵的叶轮类似庞大的气轮机的叶轮。
- The Price Increase of the Fuel Oil and Countermeasures for the Gas Turbine Power Plants. 燃料油价格上涨与燃机电厂的对策,这个是标题吧。
- A combustion chamber and its igniters,injectors,and other related apparatus in a jet engine or gas turbine. 燃烧室喷气发动机或气轮机内的燃烧室及其点火器、喷头和其他相关的装置
- Caoqiao Gas-fired Cogeneration Plant, Taiyanggong Gas-fired Cogeneration Plant, and gas turbine units of the Third Cogeneration Plant (phase I and II) will be constructed. 建设草桥燃气热电厂、太阳宫燃气热电厂、第三热电厂燃气发电机组一期和二期工程。
- Cogeneration, Diesel Groups and Gas Turbines support. 支持柴油机组,燃气轮机共同发电
- Requirements for turbine type synchronous machine GB/T7064-1996透平型同步电机技术要求