- gas separation by diffusion [化] 气体扩散分离
- This paper discusses mainly the coating technics of polysulfone hollow fiber membrane for gas separation by the effect of some surface active agents. 主要探讨了一些表面活性剂对气体分离用聚砜中空纤维膜表面涂敷上的作用。
- "Their thin walls contain numerous capillaries, supported by a mesh of elastic and collagenous fibres;gas exchange Between them occurs by diffusion. 肺泡壁薄,多毛细血管,由网状的弹性纤维和胶原纤维加以支撑,经由扩散交换气体。
- The two communities are separated by a highway. 这两个社区由一条公路隔开。
- This part of the highway is separated by a parkway. 这段高速公路中间有绿化带。
- The two clauses are separated by a comma. 这两个分句由一个逗号分开。
- Gaseous excretion takes place by diffusion through the stomata and lenticels. 气体通过气孔或皮孔释放的方式排出。
- The boys set to and had to be separated by a teacher. 那些男生大打出手,来个老师才把他们拉开。
- Osmium isotopes in the natural isotopic mixture are separation by gas centrifuge technology. 对天然锇同位素进行了离心分离。
- Transfer of soluble food materials might be accomplished by diffusion. 可溶性营养物质的转移,可以通过扩散来完成。
- This dissertion mainly study the Erlang(2) risk model perturbed by diffusion . 本学位论文主要研究带干扰的Erlang(2)风险模型。 讨论了破产前瞬间赢余分布,破产时赤字分布,以及破产前瞬间赢余和破产时赤字的联合分布等几个重要的量。
- In this article, the measurement method of hydrocarbon especial ethyne concentration in air separation by using the GM600FID gas chromatogram are introduced. 摘要介绍用GM600型FID气相色谱仪检测空分装置中碳氢化合物,特别是乙炔含量的方法。
- The product is separated by distillation into gasoline and gas oil. 这种产品是用蒸馏分离出气油和粗柴油。
- The design of DCS in HF Alkylation unit,MTBE unit and Gas Separation unit is introduced. 介绍了氢氟酸烷基化装置、甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)装置及气分装置等的DCS的设计。
- The two countries are separated by vast oceans. 这两个国家远隔重洋。
- We were separated by a space of ten feet. 我们相距十英尺.
- The skin layer of reverse osmosis membrane and gas separation membraneis much dense than ultrafiltration membrane's. 反渗透膜及气体分离膜具有比超滤膜更致密的皮层,使电镜观察其微细结构更加困难。
- The oxidation of methanol at Pt/CNT/C electrode is controlled by diffusion process. 研究发现甲醇在Pt/CNT/C电极上的氧化反应受甲醇扩散控制。
- Pressure swing adsorption(PSA) gas separation process is analyzed with the systematic entropy analytical method. 采用系统熵分析的方法对变压吸附气体分离过程进行了分析。
- The two gardens are separated by a wall. 两个花园被一堵墙隔开。