- gas hydrate sediment 水合物沉积物
- Natural Gas Hydrate: the savior of energy crises? 可燃冰:能源危机的拯救者?
- Gas hydrate deposited in marine sediment with low temperature and highpressure is a very important marine energy in the future. 摘要除地球物理方法外,地球化学方法在天然气水合物的勘探和开发中也发挥着越来越重要的作用。
- We can evaluate the amounts of the gas hydrate according to the BSR characters in the light of the seismic elasticity parameters and sediment porosity characters. 根据地震剖面上的拟海底反射层(BSR)识别水合物 的存在,并结合地震弹性参数和利用沉积物的孔隙率等特征,来评估海底天然气水合物的资源前景。
- Gas hydrate is a kind of ice-like clathrate hydrate. 摘要气体水合物是一类笼形结构的冰状晶体。
- Natural gas hydrate is a kind of simple crystalloid solid hydrate. 天然气水合物是一种结晶状固态简单化合物。
- Gas hydrate is an important potential resource in the 21st century. 摘要天然气水合物甲烷资源量的估算是天然气水合物研究中的热点问题。
- The seismic attributes above imply that gas hydrate layer may exist above the strong BSR and free gas layer below it, and the sediment layer with no free gas or very low gas saturation may occur beneath the weaker BSR. 根据上述地震特征,推断BSR上方可能存在水合物,其中在强BSR振幅部位,下方可能存在含气层,在相对弱振幅部位下方无含气层,或者为低含气饱和度的地层。
- Gas hydrate occurs as a kind of sediment cement in the first model,and is mainly distributed in volcanic ash,tuffaceous mud and turbidities with shallow depths,high porosity and low gas hydrate saturation. 第1种模式的水合物以胶结物的形式存在,主要分布在火山灰、凝灰质泥和浊流层中,埋深通常较小,孔隙度较高,水合物饱和度较低,沿地层层面分布;
- Gas hydrate in the Gulf of Mexico: What and where is the seismic target? 墨西哥湾的天然气水合物:地震目标是什么?在哪里?
- The results of modified Wyllie-time equation agree well with experimental data.The research could provide basis for the explanation of acoustic logging in hydrate sediment. 理论模型与试验结果吻合较好,该研究为水合物沉积层的声波测井解释提供了依据。
- Malone R D, Mroz T H. Geologic Analysis of Gas Hydrate Deposite. SPE 15224. 石油工业天然气科技情报协作组.;国外非常规天然气调研(内部)
- Faults and diapir develop widely and influence the distribution of gas hydrate. 盆地广泛发育断裂、底辟构造,影响着水合物的分布。
- The study of natural gas hydrate is a hotspot in the exploitation of world energy sources. 摘要对天然气水合物的研究是当今世界能源开发的热点。
- marine gas hydrate bearing sediment 海洋水合物地层
- The formation of natural gas hydrate and methanol recovery process in Changqing Gas Field are described. 根据中国石油天然气股份有限公司长庆油田分公司长庆气田地面建设特点,介绍了该气田预防天然气水合物生成的方法及甲醇回收再生工艺技术。
- Strong reflections from seismic profiles indicate a discontinuity at the base of the gas hydrate zone. 来自地震剖面的强烈反映表明在气体水合物区域的基础之上存在不均匀受力的情况。
- An example of this is the injection of relatively warm seawater into an undersea gas hydrate layer. 例如,采用相对温暖的海水喷射到海底的天然气水合物地层中。
- Research and application of geological dating and gas hydrate experimental technology II. 地质测年与天然气水合物实验技术研究及应用2。
- Might Origin of Natural Gas Hydrate Reveal the Source of Natural Gas in Sichuan Basin? 从天然气水合物的角度看四川盆地的天然气来源?