- Players can now garrison troops in villages that they own. 球员现在可以驻军,他们在自己的村庄。
- Heavy Bill Militia are superior English garrison troops compared to standard Bill Militia. 重装长刀民兵是比普通长刀兵更优秀的英国守备部队。
- The Army, in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities, is also divided into field mobile, sea border defense, frontier defense, and garrison troops. 陆军按其担负的任务还划分为野战机动部队、海防部队、边防部队、警卫警备部队等。
- The Army,in accordance with its different duties and responsibilities,is also divided into field mobile,sea border defense,frontier defense,and garrison troops. 陆军按其担负的任务还划分为野战机动部队、海防部队、边防部队、警卫警备部队等。
- The organizational systems of the sea border defense,frontier defense and garrison troops are decided in accordance with their operational tasks and geographical conditions. 海防部队、边防部队和警卫警备部队,根据担负的作战任务和地理条件,确定编组方式。
- The organizational systems of the sea border defense, frontier defense and garrison troops are decided in accordance with their operational tasks and geographical conditions. 海防部队、边防部队和警卫警备部队,根据担负的作战任务和地理条件,确定编组方式。
- Chief Executive of HKSAR Donald Tsang thanked the PLA garrison troops in Hong Kong for its contribution to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability during the past 10 years. 香港特别行政区特首曾萌权对驻守部队在过去的10年间对香港的繁荣和稳定所作出的贡献表示感谢。
- The other corps moved across the desert in three columns, with the central one heading for Tobruk to link up with a planned breakout of the garrison troops. 一支英军部队占领了Halfay山口的防御阵地,其余部队兵分三路穿越沙漠,中路直指托布鲁克(Tobruk),以期接应已计划实施突围的守军。
- He said the PLA garrison troops firmly implemented the principle of "one country, two systems" in the last 10 years and created a grand image by their actions. 他表示中国人民解放军驻守部队在过去的10年里严格执行“一个中国,两种制度”的原则,通过他们的行动创造出一番辉煌的景象。
- followed microblogger 微博粉丝
- The garrison troops will consistently adhere to the principle of "one country,two systems,''strictly abide by the Basic Law and the Garrison Law,and contribute to the preservation of the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. 驻香港部队将始终遵循“一国两制”的方针,严格遵守香港基本法和香港驻军法,为确保香港的长期繁荣稳定作出贡献。
- The development of northwest China in ancient times was mostly agriculture development, and the main way of agriculture development was chiefly Tuntian development ( have garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland and grow food grain ). 中国古代西北开发主要是农业开发 ,而农业开发的主要方式是屯田开发。
- Xiping pavilion was the earliest organizational system of military affairs in the history of Xining and a grass-rooted organization of having garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland. 西平亭是西宁历史上最早的军事建置,是屯田系统的基层组织。
- Xiping pavilion was the earliest organizational system of military affairs in the history of Xining and a grass-rooted organizationof having garrison troops or peasants open up wasteland. 西平亭是西宁历史上最早的军事建置,是屯田系统的基层组织。
- The garrison troops will consistently adhere to the principle of "one country, two systems" strictly abide by the Basic Law and the Garrison Law, and contribute to the preservation of the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. 驻香港部队将始终遵循“一国两制”的方针,严格遵守香港基本法和香港驻军法,为确保香港的长期繁荣稳定作出贡献。
- The garrison troops will consistently adhere to the principle of "one country, two systems"' strictly abide by the Basic Law and the Garrison Law, and contribute to the preservation of the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. 驻香港部队将始终遵循“一国两制”的方针,严格遵守香港基本法和香港驻军法,为确保香港的长期繁荣稳定作出贡献。
- Garrison Troops now automatically stops garrisoning at 200 for castles, and 350 for towns. 城堡会自动驻军至200人,城镇则是350人。
- and that the garrison troops shall be rotated. 香港驻军实行人员轮换制度。
- The garrison was starved into surrender. 卫戍部队因遭到断粮而投降。
- He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。