- Beautiful deep garnet red colour. 深浓美?如红石榴宝石一般的颜色。
- Deep garnet red with purple tints. 深宝石红色带微紫色调。
- Deep and brilliant garnet red colour. 深而明亮的石榴红色。
- With a nice garnet red colour,Minervois wines have a full taste of ripe red fruits and a long but mellon finish. 该区的漫内古堡葡萄酒色泽深沉如红宝石,富有成熟的果香味更带有长久芳醇而圆滑的口感。
- Last time, when Mimi came to visit me , she also gave me a cowboy hat. See this garnet red hat? 上次当咪咪姨来拜访我的时候,送给我一个牛仔帽。你们看,这个石榴红的帽子,如何呢?
- Intense garnet red with a sweet tobacco and canine rose bouquet with hints of goudron and spices. 深邃的石榴红色泽,蕴藏甜美的菸草、玫瑰花香以及淡淡的香料味。
- Garnet red color with orange reflections. Deep scent of violets, faded roses bouquetDry, full, balanced, velvety Tasty. 香气是浓厚紫罗兰香味,成熟玫瑰味.;口感呈干型,丰满,甘醇
- Pinot Noir Garnet red in appearance, black cherry and spicy oak accompany a sweet fruit palate with fine-grained tannins complex and intense. 黑皮诺这款酒呈现石榴红色,黑樱桃与辛辣橡木味与水果甜味相结合,并具有良好的单宁。
- Charming deep garnet red with purple reflection of light, mature red fruit incense in accompanied by fragrant herbs and flowers. 迷人的深石榴红色反射着紫色个光芒,成熟的红色水果香中伴随着香草和花的芬芳。
- Tasting: Beautiful deep and garnet red color. Intense, powerful, complex smell where mix with the spiced and roasted notes and of ripe fruits. 入口圆滑、高贵、充盈、细腻,重现香料的复杂香味以及清新果味。
- Intense garnet red colour, fruity fragrance with jam aroma and cherry preserved in alcohol scent, spicy notes of liquorice, vanilla and faded flowers scent. 酒体呈现深紫酱红色,水果的芬芳中带有果酱的香气及樱桃蜜饯的味道,并且具有甘草、香草及干花的香气。
- Garnet red with orange reflexes, the wine has a persistent, complex and ethereal bouquet with hints of spices, toasted hazelnuts, liquorices and vanilla. 石榴红映射橙黄色泽,持续、复杂及细致的花香隐约呈现香料、烤榛果、甘草及香草的气味。
- Taste notes: a lovely garnet red color. Rich nose with flavours of ripe fruits. In mouth : plums and concentrated aromas of red fruits and is long on the palate. 品尝记录:新鲜的石榴红色,成熟水果香气突出,李子等红色水果气息浓重,余味悠长
- Train Trak is a family owned vineyard. Pinot Noir Garnet red in appearance, black cherry and spicy oak accompany a sweet fruit palate with fine-grained tannins complex and intense. 彻雷切克是座一家族葡萄园。黑皮诺这款酒呈现石榴红色,黑樱桃与辛辣橡木味与水果甜味相结合,并具有良好的单宁。口感强烈且有层次感
- Clear, very intense, garnet red to purple.Red fruit, blackcurrants, cherries, raspberry jam.Wine with velvet tannins anf fine long taste. Present deeply sweet plum, liquorices and mince flavors. 深红的色泽中暗含紫色。气味中充满红色浆果、樱桃、和茴芹的芬芳。柔滑的单宁美味长留在口中,呈现浓郁的甘草和薄荷的味道。口感新鲜而细腻,柔软悠长的余味中充满浆果的味道。
- Garnet red robe, strong, brilliant with pinky hues. It's very fine, spicy, complex bouquet with aromas of cherry and cumin. Supple, well-balanced palate with notes of raspberry and black cherry. 深石榴红色中带有一点粉红色,辛香中带有樱桃和小茴香的香味,悬钩子和黑樱桃的口感完美平衡。
- Comprised of 40% Merlot, 30% Refosco and 30% Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon, it is a vibrant garnet red with purple highlights and a very intense, alcohol-rich, wild berry flavour. 有40%25的美露红,30%25的里伏斯科和30%25的卡伯纳、卡伯纳苏维翁组成。有着振动的深红色带有一丝紫色,有着强烈的酒香和野果香味。
- Garnet red with purple hues.Intense aromas of strawberries and blackberries combine nicely with notes of black pepper and dried fruits.A juicy and silky mouthful that persists on the fruity finish. 酱红色带有紫色色调,馥郁的草莓和黑莓的香气,同时很好的结合了黑胡椒及干果的气息,果味丰富,口感柔滑,余味绵延悠长。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- A brown or yellowish-brown variety of garnet. 钙铝榴石,桂榴石一种褐色或黄褐色的石榴石