- garb oneself as a sailor 打扮成水手模样
- to garb oneself as a sailor 打扮成一个水手
- Oneself as a candidate for a post. 自荐为某职位的候选人。
- Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer. 我正在说话或写作的人用来称自己
- garb oneself as a peasant 乔装成农民
- garb oneself as 打扮成
- Thinking of oneself as more important than one really is. 自视过高的。
- To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment; cling. 附属把自己作为从属或一个包袱依附于他人;依靠。
- In so doing, one does not create karma for oneself as a healer. 这样做,作为一个疗愈者,你不再为自己制造业力。
- To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment;cling. 附属把自己作为从属或一个包袱依附于他人;依靠
- Compere: You feel today oneself as a stationmaster, what idea do oneself have? 主持人:您觉得今天自己身为一名站长,自己有什么想法?
- If having kept his appointment, the payer can draw back the money, or give it up of oneself as penalty. 对使用节能材料的单位,将按规定返还其缴纳的专项基金,不使用者将失去缴纳的基金。
- I do not think at least I deceive oneself as well as others , because I am a gunner fan ! 至少我觉得,我不是自欺欺人,因为我是一名枪手迷!
- Guo Quji expresses, gu Ge " regard oneself as from daystart computational company, is not search firm " . 郭去疾表示,谷歌“从第一天开始就把自己当成计算公司,而不是搜索公司”。
- Pardonable woman croaks, "With its endure hardships, still care oneself as oneself, oneself satisfy oneself. 难怪女人发牢骚,“与其受罪,还不如自己关心自己,自己满足自己。”
- Thus, to know oneself as divine or Atman, has a transforming effect on one's life and personality. 因此,以神性(或阿特曼)来设定自己,对一个人的生命和人格会有转折性的影响。
- Cure holds a phone in the palm " seek advice enthusiasticly " , patient of disguise oneself as is vaunting true god. 医托电话“热情咨询”,假扮患者吹嘘真神。堂堂电台成了医院,广大听众都是“病人”。
- In the dance of unity relations, such relations also apply to oneself as an ascending being, for one is a "group" or pod internal to oneself. 在统一关系的舞蹈中,这样的关系也适用于作为提升存在的你自己,你自己内部是一个“团队”或圆荚体。
- Move oneself as to Xin Huayue, bought in October 2008 football match of European allied cup counterpoised to the hookup 2012 2009. 至于新华悦动自己,则在2008年10月购得了欧洲联盟杯足球赛2009年到2012年的转播权。
- As an ascending being, one also has more scripts and karma available unto oneself as one has a larger field to catch one's dream. 作为一位提升者,你也会有更多的剧本和业力为你自己利用,因为你有一个更大的能量场去捕获你的梦想。