- gap of city and countryside 城乡差距
- With the deepness of city and countryside marketing management unio n, the problems about user management in the traditional countryside power suppl y station are shown. 随着城乡一体化营销管理的深入,传统的农村供电所对用户的管理暴露出许多问题。
- The age distribution of City and countryside fitness community in Shandong is imbalanced, the proportion in exercise participates presents between two high school the low situation. 说明在引导居民参与体育锻炼方面,有关部门还有很多工作要做。
- Secondly, the disjoint of city and countryside should be settled, the institution of environment & sanitation management should be perfected and the management system should be improved. 改变环卫长期城乡脱节的局面,梳理镇级环卫管理机构,健全市-区-镇三级环卫管理体制;
- A study of the Gap of Population Quality between City and Countryside in Xinjiang 关于新疆城乡人口素质差距的思考
- social security system of city and countryside 城乡社会保障
- Overall development of city and countryside 城乡统筹发展
- overall planning of city and countryside 统筹城乡
- Integration of city and countryside 城乡一体化
- combinative area of city and countryside 城乡结合地
- the butt-joint of city and countryside 城乡对接
- Balanced growth of cities and the economy. 平衡城市和经济的成长。
- transition region of city and countryside 城乡结合部
- the dual structure of city and countryside 城乡二元结构
- plan the development of city and countryside 统筹城乡发展
- New Price Difference in Economic Transition and the Widening Gap of Consumption Between Cities and Countryside 经济转型中的新剪刀差与城乡消费差距的扩大
- limited dualization of city and countryside 城乡有限二元化
- coordinating development of city and countryside 城乡统筹
- coordination of city and countryside development 统筹城乡发展
- information differentiation of city and countryside 城乡信息分化