- ganglion inferius nervi glossopharyngei 舌咽神经下节, 岩神经节
- ganglia inferius nervi glossopharyngei [医] 舌咽神经下节, 岩神经节
- ganglion inferius 下神经节
- ganglion inferius nervi vagi 迷走神经下节, 结状神经节
- Located posterioror distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的。
- Located posterior or distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的
- I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. 大小超过铅笔上的橡皮头;
- ganglia inferius [医] 迷走神经下节, 结状神经节
- Clusters of ganglion cells were scattered throughout the tumor. 神经节细胞束被肿瘤彻底的分散。
- Hypocalcemia usually occured in brain ganglion (6.87%, P <0.05). 发生低钙血症者神经精神症状以潜在型手足抽搦为主(57.;14%25;P<0
- Quantity of multipolar neurons are different in the ganglion. 神经节内多极神经元的数量不等;
- In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number. 在视网膜的边缘区节细胞相当少。
- A high-power iew showing a pair of ganglion cells surrounded by Schwann cells. 高倍镜下显示一对神经节细胞被雪旺氏细胞包围。
- Objective To provide morphological data for stellate ganglion block. 目的为临床成功实施星状神经节阻滞提供形态学依据。
- Takahashi N, Cummins D, Caprioli J.Rat retinal ganglion cells in culture[J]. 钟一声;蒋幼芹;熊小玲.;大鼠视网膜神经节细胞的培养[J]
- Computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion in the left basal ganglion region. 因无法以核磁共振扫瞄及脑部血管摄影检查排除为动静脉畸形瘤,于是开刀取样化验。
- Tumors with sparse number of ganglion cells may be misdiagnosed as neurofibroma. 带有许多稀疏的神经节细胞的肿瘤可能会被误诊为神经纤维瘤。
- It is well known, though, that neighboring retinal ganglion cells tend to fire together. 不过,邻近的节细胞倾向于同时激发是众所皆知的事。
- By stimulating more ganglion cells, he hopes that visual acuity will increase dramatically. 通过刺激更多的神经节细胞,他希望视觉灵敏度也能显著增长。
- Unconfirmed sightings suggest that the Death Eaters may now be using Inferi (see page 10). Any sighting of an Inferius, or encounter with same, should be reported to the Ministry IMMEDIATELY. 未经证实的消息说,食死徒现在可能使用阴尸(见第10页)。若看见或遭遇阴尸,请立刻向魔法部报告。