- band together to rob the people; gang robbery 结伙抢劫
- The gang spent a year planning the robbery and then bungled it. 这伙人蓄谋抢劫已有一年之久,然而到头来却失手了。
- The gang were/ was planning a robbery of a bank. 这伙歹徒正在计划抢劫一家银行。
- The gang are planning a robbery. 那帮罪犯正在计划抢劫。
- A four-man gang carried out the robbery. 这起抢劫是一个四人团伙所为。
- The gang were / was planning a robbery of a bank. 这伙歹徒正在计划抢劫一家银行。
- Robbery by a band or gang of dacoits. 武装抢劫,强盗行为武装土匪或强盗所干的抢劫行为
- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因抢劫银行而被捕入狱。
- He is badly beat up by a gang of thug. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- The gang knocked over a jewelry store. 这伙歹徒抢劫了一家珠宝店。
- He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。
- He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. 他被一帮暴徒打得死去活来。
- Robbery is now an everyday occurrence. 抢劫的事现在每天都有。
- His account of the robbery won't hold water. 他对抢劫案的陈述是不真实的。
- The police had sold themselves to the gang leaders. 那些警察已卖身投靠匪首。
- He is the front man for a criminal gang. 他为一个犯罪集团作掩护。
- He commit three petrol station robbery in two day. 两天内,他三次暴力抢劫汽油加油站。
- He describe the robbery in detail to us. 他向我们详细地描述了抢劫事件。
- The gang jumped an old woman in the subway. 一伙歹徒在地下人行道突然袭击一老妇人。
- He is put away for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫而关押了十年。